If the Applicant Rejects the verbal offer and you do not wish to negotiate/ continue the discussion, move the applicant to the "Offer Declined" hiring stage. This will send a notification to HR advising that the offer has been declined.
If the Applicant Rejects the Offer HR review, updating the applicant’s hiring stage as above is the only required action. As the Applicant doesn't have an Active MyNIDA employee account, no further action is required.
If the applicant has an applicant profile and applied for the role via a requisition, select the Applicant’s Name and the Job Application for which you are hiring. The effective start date should be the employee’s first day employed at NIDA. Once this information is filled click Continue.
This field need s needs to be filled only when you are hiring the new employee
The page Re-directs to Employee Information page
Step 4 HR Group
Mandatory Fields required for all employees are as follows:
Go to Team -> HR -> HR Actions
Step 2 HR Group
End Date
Basis of max term employment
Award Classification
Base Salary
Notice Period
Click on Submit on the right side of the screen: