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Schedule Templates is a set-up to be able to generate schedules from a pre-set list of informationFor example, like Default shifts, Basic shift time, when you create a new schedule, you copy these templates to the employeeallow you to create recurring schedules for your department. Rather than assigning shifts to employees, you can use Advanced Schedules to display employees that can work within your department. From there, you can create shifts to either assign directly to employees or hold as open shifts to assign later. These schedules can be generated automatically in advance, or generated manually depending on your requirements.

Note: Permanent employees do not use Advanced Schedules. For more information on permanent employee scheduling processes, please review Scheduling Process – Permanent Staff.

Go to Admin -> Scheduler Setup -> Schedule Templates


Name the Schedule Template


Choose the Day Depending on the shift starts

 This should remain as At Midnight.

Manager & Employee Group

Choose the group depending on the shift templateManager Group should remain blank. Access to Schedules will be managed by Managed Cost Centres within each user’s profile. Employee Group should remain as “All Company Employees”. Employees will appear on Schedules based on the Scheduled Cost Centres advised in each employee’s profile.

Maximum Budget

Enter the budget fixed for this shiftSchedule.

Manage Open shiftsChoose

Select if Open shifts are available or notyou wish to post Open Shifts to employees.

Cost CentreSelect

the cost centres for the scheduler from the cost centreCost Centres are pre-populated upon saving your Schedule Template, based on the ScheduleSetting chosen when creating the template

Additional cost centre

Select if additional cost centres are required for the schedule (If applicable). This includes:

Rates: The pay rate applicable to a specific shift an employee is working. This should be included on all Schedule Templates with flexible workforces.

Award: The award under which the employee is working.

Event: The performance/ event for which the employee is performing work.

Automatically Generate schedule from templateSelect if the template needs to be generated automatically (system will automatically generate the same schedule fortnightly)

You can streamline the scheduling process by automatically generating new schedules as required. You can set the interval these are created, as well as how many days in advance they are generated.

Automatically Post scheduleSelect if the schedule should be posted automatically

Schedules must be posted in order for employees to be able to view shifts via Employee Self-Service (ESS). You can automate this process to occur at a specific number of days before the Schedule begins.

Shift Display Options

Fill in if the employee needs to view Label Format & Cost centre


You can change the display of shift information. The default settings should be ideal for all departments.

Image AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added

Click on Save to confirm the setup of your Schedule.

If you have a need to add recurring shifts to your Schedule Template, click View By Week to view the Schedule.


The Schedule Template will display. You should be able to see the employees who have the capacity to work in the selected cost centres on this screen.


Add shifts by left clicking any cell in the Schedule, or via the Actions “…” ellipses