This video shows you how to record a webcam session using Echo360’s browser-based capture tool
Once your session has been captured using the tool and has been sucessfully uploaded to Echo360 as a video, this video is like any other Echo360 video and can be added to Echo360 collections, linked to from Canvas, etc.
For this reason, this workflow only covers the steps up until the session video is successfully added to Echo360. See other workflows for how to then add this video to a collection or link to it from Canvas.
1. Go to
any Canvas course
2. In this example, a Page is used. Click the 'Edit' button for the Page
3. In the text editor screen, place the cursor where you want to add the webcam session video
4. Click on the blue 'Echo360' icon in the editor's toolbar
If you don't see this icon, click on down arrow to the right of the plug icon, then select the 'View All' option. In the popup that then appears, click on the 'Echo360' video link
5. In the popup that then appears, click on the 'Create New Media' tab
6. Click on 'Launch Browser Capture'
in your Canvas login
2. On the course page, click on the ‘My Echo360 Library’ link in the blue course menu. (If this link is not shown, it will need to be enabled from the Navigation tab in the course’s Settings screen.)
3. On the ‘My Echo360 Library’ screen, click on the ‘Create' button and select the 'New Browser Capture’ option
5. If you see a pop-up box, click on the ‘Create New Media’ tab then on the 'Launch Browser Capture' link
6. Otherwise you should be taken immediately to a new browser tab. In this new tab you should then see the full webcam capture screen.
Depending on the browser you are using, you may also then need to approve the use of your device’s/computer’s microphone and webcam in this tab.
7. If you would like to capture a screen on your device at the same time as the webcam, click on the 'Add Screen' button and select the desired screen.
You can select either the whole screen on your device/computer, or an individual window
9 Test the microphone is working by seeing if the sound meter under 'Microphone' moves when there is noise
10. You now should be ready to begin.
Click on the 'REC' button to start the recording process.
11. A countdown will show when recording will begin
12. Depending on how you have selected the windows or desktop, you may be able to control the second window/screen from within the capture window
13. To pause and restart your recording, click on the double bar icon. To cancel your recording, click on the cross icon. To stop and save your recording, click on the square icon
14. Once you have clicked on the square icon to end your recording, an 'Upload complete' message will display. Click to close this capture tab and return to the main Canvas tab
15. Back in the Canvas tab,
check that you are on the ‘Library'
tab in the
'My Echo360 Library’ screen
16. Your webcam capture should appear towards the top of the list of videos. If not, you can search for it by title
Searching only works if you start typing from the beginning of the title. Echo won't find your video if you start with the middle or end of the title.
17. If you just wanted to record the webcam session with the intention to optionally link to it from Canvas later, you can stop at this point
If you can see your webcam session listed under the 'Library' tab in the pop-up, then it's been successfully saved in your personal Echo library...
18. To continue and link to this webcam capture from Canvas, select the session capture
19. Then click on the 'Save' button at the bottom right
Check that the video runs properly
22. Optionally view any video streams that are available either separately or side by side...
23. Also optionally click on the Full Screen option to view the video more easily
Hit the Esc key to return to the normal view
You've now finished recording and saving a webcam session in your personal Echo360 library.
You did this:
- by starting an Echo webcam session via
a Canvas
recording the session
using your
webcam, optionally also including recording a second screen at the same time
- saving the session in your Echo library.