Versions Compared


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Echo360 is a platform used at NIDA to hold video content used to teach courses.


  • a personal Echo360 library which is automatically set up for each user

  • video collections which can be freely created and shared between users.

Other methods of organising content in Echo360 are older and are likely to be phased out.

Echo360 collections are likely to be used as the main method for grouping together videos related to each course in Canvas.


  • Use A: Uploading and linking to Echo360 video content by staff

  • Use B: Setting up Canvas so that students can submit video for their assignments.

Both of these will be described in detail below…

Use A: Uploading and linking to Echo360 content by staff

There are five main staff workflows for using Echo360 via Canvas.
These workflows are numbered A.1. to A.5.


Detailed descriptions of these workflows are provided below.








Step 1. Uploading content to Echo360


A.1. MyEcho360 Library: Uploading an Echo360 video DOC DONE


✍️ AddIng to your library


🎞️ Adding to your library


A.2. MyEcho360 Library: Recording an Echo360 video DOC DONE


✍️ Recording a video


🎞️ Recording a video


Step 2. Organising content in Echo360


A.3. MyEcho360 Library: Add an Echo360 video to a collection [Mention that the Library view shows Collections + Media, but the Collections tab just shows Collections. Mention that if you delete a video in your personal library that has been added to a collection, it is removed from the collection, and that it’s thus important to consider adding videos to course collections using a non-personal Echo account? -AG]


Step 3. Linking to Echo360 content from Canvas


A.4. Linking to an Echo360 video from Canvas (embedding vs linking) [Mention this can be recordings or regular videos, and from a collection or from a personal library [cover BOTH linking from personal library AND from a collection]-AG]


✍️ Embedding vs linking


🎞️ Embedding vs linking


A.5. ‘Uploading an Echo360 video via Canvas' → ‘’Adding a video to Echo360 while linking to it from Canvas’ [mention this can be recordings or regular videoss, and that this can only be from the user’s personal library rather than from an Echo collection. If they want to link from a collection, it would be better to follow the ‘Linking to Echo360 content from Canvas’ workflow -AG]


✍️ Uploading a video


🎞️ Uploading a video

General notes applying to all Use A workflows

  • In addition to videos, you can upload presentation files (such as PowerPoint) and pdfs to Echo360. Since video is the main type of content used in Echo360, these workflows tend to refer to this content as just ‘video’

  • Whenever you upload content to Echo, it’s added to your personal Echo library:

    • You can view and manage your Echo library from within Canvas.

    • Zoom recordings and classroom captures organized by the AV department should also appear in your Echo library.

  • There are three places you can link to Echo videos from within a Canvas course page:

    • the text editor

    • the Modules screen, and

    • the course’s blue navigation menu.

      Of these, linking via the the text editor is recommended. Using the Modules screen or navigation menu is not preferred because both require using Echo's old section and class system, which is likely to be phased out.

Use B: Setting up Canvas so that students can submit video for their assignments

Video assignments follow the same three-step sequence as for any other assignment, ie setup, submission and grading.






Step 1: How staff can set up an Echo video Assignment activity in Canvas


✍️ Echo-preferred setup (Online + Website URL)

✍️ Alternative setup (Online + File Upload)


Step 2: How students can upload their submission to this Assignment activity


✍️ Echo-preferred submission (Online + Website URL)

✍️ Alternative submission (Online + File Upload)


Step 3: How staff can then grade these video submissions


✍️ Video submssion grading

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