This workflow covers the steps required for a user to link to an existing video in Echo360 from within Canvas.
The video that covers the same steps as the below can be found here:
[revised video not yet available]
For important notes related to all Group C workflows, click here
Notes specific to this workflow
This workflow covers creating a simple link to an Echo video as well as embedding an Echo video in Canvas
With this workflow you can link to both uploaded videos and videos recorded via Echo (ie webcam sessions) since once uploaded, Echo sees them as just videos
You can link in Canvas to a video that’s either
- in your personal Echo360 library or
- in a collection that you own or are a member of.However when linking to a video in Canvas, you can’t search for videos by the collection they’re in, since collections are not shown when linking.
So in order to link to a video in a collection, view the collection to find the video’s title. Then search for that title when at step 7 in the workflow below.
(Echo allows you to search for parts of a video title but will not search on punctuation and spaces)
(See link above for any important notes related to all Group C workflows)
1. Navigate to a NIDA Canvas course that you want to add the video to