Echo360 is a platform used at NIDA to hold video content used to teach courses.
This content is then linked to from Canvas (aka ‘NIDA Learn’), which is NIDA’s learning management system.
Echo360 replaces Canvas' built-in video app called Studio.
More detail on the workflows in these Groups is provided in the sequence tables below, including links to the steps for each.
The main workflows are shown in red.
Each workflow is given a code, eg A.3. is the third workflow in Group A.
Stage 1. Preparing to upload content to Echo360 | ||
Stage 2. Uploading content to Echo360 | A.1. MyEcho360 Library: Uploading an Echo video ✍️ Uploading an Echo video [LINK CHECKED] 🎞️ Adding to your library [NEED TO ADJUST THIS VIDEO ACCORDING TO BEC’S SUGGESTIONS] | |
A.2. MyEcho360 Library: Recording and uploading a webcam session [DONE EXCEPT FOR CHECKING/ADJUSTING THE INTRO TEXT IN THIS WORKFLOW AND ADJUSTING ONCE ALL OTHER WORKFLOWS ARE FINISHED] ✍️ Recording and uploading a webcam session [LINK CHECKED] 🎞️ Recording and uploading a webcam session [NEED TO ADJUST THIS VIDEO ACCORDING TO BEC’S SUGGESTIONS] | ||
A.3./C.1. Adding a video to Echo while linking to it from Canvas [DONE] ✍️ Linking while uploading a video [LINK CHECKED] 🎞️ Uploading a video [NEED TO ADJUST THIS VIDEO ACCORDING TO BEC’S SUGGESTIONS] | ||
Stage 3. Linking to and viewing Echo content from Canvas | C.3. Linking a video to an Echo class from Canvas ✍️ Linking a video to an Echo class [LINK CHECKED] 🎞️ [VIDEO NOT YET CREATED] | C.2. Linking to an existing Echo video from Canvas [DONE] ✍️ Linking to an existing Echo video [LINK CHECKED] 🎞️ Embedding vs linking [NEED TO ADJUST THIS VIDEO ACCORDING TO BEC’S SUGGESTIONS] |
Stage 4. Managing and sharing content in Echo | D.1. Adding users to a section [DONE] ✍️ Adding users to a section [LINK CHECKED] 🎞️ [VIDEO NOT YET CREATED] [Mention that this workflow is mainly used for adding staff to a section so that they can view and comanage the section and any classes under it] [Mention that students should automatically be added to all classes in an Echo section when that section is linked to an Echo course] | D.2. MyEcho360 Library: Add an Echo video to a collection ✍️ Add a video to a collection [LINK CHECKED] 🎞️ [VIDEO NOT YET CREATED] |
D.3. MyEcho360 Library: Sharing a collection with others 🎞️ [VIDEO NOT YET CREATED] | ||
D.4. Editing videos in Echo ✍️ Editing videos [LINK CHECKED] 🎞️ [VIDEO NOT YET CREATED] | ||
Stage 5. Deleting content from Echo | Content should not be deleted from Echo sections or classes in Canvas courses that have already been delivered to students. Instead the link to this content can be deleted in Canvas for the next delivery of the Canvas course | 230120 E.1. Deleting content from a personal Echo library ✍️ Deleting content from a personal Echo library [LINK CHECKED] ??️ [VIDEO NOT YET CREATED] |
Stage 1. Preparing to upload content to Echo360 | B.1. Setting up Canvas assessments to allow for student video submissions [DONE] Option 1: ✍️ Echo-preferred setup (Online + Website URL) LINK CHECKED 🎞️ [VIDEO NOT YET CREATED] Option 2: ✍️ Alternative setup (Online + File Upload) LINK CHECKED 🎞️ [VIDEO NOT YET CREATED] |
Stage 2. Uploading content to Echo360 | B.2. Students make their video submissions via Canvas 🎞️ [VIDEO NOT YET CREATED] Option 2: ✍️ Alternative submission (Online + File Upload) LINK CHECKED 🎞️ [VIDEO NOT YET CREATED] |
Stage 3. Linking to and viewing Echo content from Canvas | B.3. Instructors view and optionally grade/provide feedback on student video submissions [DONE] ✍️ Video submission grading [LINK CHECKED] 🎞️ [VIDEO NOT YET CREATED] |
Stage 4. Managing and sharing content in Echo | |
Stage 5. Deleting content from Echo | 230120 E.2. Student deleting a video submission before instructor grading/feedback ✍️ Student deleting a video submission [LINK NOT CHECKED] 🎞️ [VIDEO NOT YET CREATED] Video submissions by students should not be deleted from Echo unless the student has uploaded the wrong submission prior to grading/instructor feedback. Students should be able to remove these submissions themselves; if not, NIDA’s Echo admins can help |
Anchor | ||||
Group A: Staff need to upload video content to Echo
Ownership of video collections
Currently all users - including students - are allowed to create collections and each collection remains private to the user who created it until that user chooses to share the collection with others.
You are thus able to access Echo360 content in any collection that you have created or to which you have been made a member
As the owner (or ‘manager’) of a collection you control who has access to your collection and what they can do with it. You can make someone else a manager of your collection but once you do, you can’t undo this by yourself since managers can not remove or demote other managers. If you want to remove a collection manager, ask one of NIDA’s Echo360 admins for help
Collections have an option that allows whoever clicks on a link to be made a member of that collection
Suggested standard practice for course-based Echo collections: A single person is designated as the manager for all course-based Echo collections for a given degree/school. This person would likely be the course coordinator or similar. This person creates all course-based Echo collections so that by default they are given the role of Collection Manager. All people who are then added as members of this collection are added in a Contributor role only in order to prevent them accidentally deleting videos from this collection. If a video really needs to be deleted from the collection, then staff ask the Collection Manager to do this for them. Or the Collection Manager does this as a standard part of managing these course-based collections
Ownership of individual videos
If you upload a video to Echo, you are automatically made the owner of that video and can thus manage it including copying, editing, downloading and deleting it.
However the following actions on your video require the help of one of NIDA’s Echo admins (eg Josh, Ben, Andrew and some IT staff):
if you would like to give ownership of your video to someone else
230103 if you would like to create a public link to your video, ie so it can be viewed outside NIDA. (You can still share your video with people inside NIDA.)
When using the course-section-class method, content should not be deleted from Echo sections or classes in Canvas courses that have already been delivered to students. Instead the link to this content can be deleted in Canvas for the next delivery of the Canvas course
When using the collection method, content in a user’s personal Echo library can be deleted by the user as desired. However
it might not be possible for users to delete Echo content shared with others via collections depending on how the collections have been set up or shared; NIDA’s Echo admins can help in this case
if you delete a video in your personal library that has been added to a collection, it's also removed from that collection. This may affect others if you have shared this collection with them
If you no longer want a video but it is still needed, it’s thus worth considering making someone else co-manager of the video or adding videos to course collections using a non-personal Echo account,
When using the student submission method, video submissions by students should not be deleted from Echo unless the student has uploaded the wrong submission prior to grading/instructor feedback. Students should be able to remove these submissions themselves; if not, NIDA’s Echo admins can helpIf you no longer want a video but it is still needed, it’s thus worth considering making someone else co-manager of the video or adding videos to course collections using a non-personal Echo account,