This workflow covers the steps required for users to add videos in their personal Echo360 library into video collections they can create and share in Echo360.
This workflow is available to both staff and students.
The video that covers the same steps as the below can be found here:
[video not yet available]
For important notes related to all Group D collection workflows, click here
[230125 RK: make all screenshots smaller so people can eg print off the workflow as a pdf]
Notes specific to this workflow
Note that when you are viewing the ‘My Echo360 Library’ screen in a Canvas course, and are searching for videos to add to a collection, the videos are shown on the Library tab and not the Collections tab:
The Library tab shows Collections and Media, while the Collections tab just shows Collections.You can add videos to a collection either by selecting videos already in your Echo library, or by uploading videos directly into an Echo collection. (If using the latter option, the videos are also added to your library.)
This workflow will show you how to add videos to your collection using both these methods [-> NEED TO ADD IN STEPS TO UPLOAD DIRECTLY INTO A COLLECTION]
[230124 to add videos directly to a collection, go in to the collection then select +Add Media, then select the Upload new media tab]
1. Go to the Canvas course you want to upload the video to