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Echo360 is a platform used at NIDA to hold video content used to teach courses.

This content is then linked to from Canvas (aka ‘NIDA Learn’), which is NIDA’s learning management system.
Echo360 replaces Canvas' built-in video app called Studio.


The workflows expected to be most used are highlighted in the diagram and shown in red in the link tables. Each workflow is given a code, e.g. A.2. is the second workflow in Group A.


2. SEQUENCE DIAGRAM (click diagram to zoom)






The following notes should be read in conjunction with the workflows. Each workflow links to these notes where necessary.


A. Introduction to collections
(This introduction is most applicable to workflow D.2. Adding a video to an Echo collection)

  • Collections are a way to group videos together in Echo360

  • Collections can have none, one or many videos

  • Video management

    • Videos added to a collection are not copied into that collection. Instead they are added as a link. For this reason, if a user adds a video from their personal Echo360 library into a collection and then deletes that video from their library, the video also disappears from the collection. This also means that if this video is linked to from Canvas, access to the video via this Canvas link will no longer work

    • All the videos in a collection can be copied. This creates a separate softcopy file for each video in the collection:

    • For the above two reasons, staff can request NIDA’s Echo admins to make a copy of collection media whenever desired as a precaution against loss

    • the formal collections related to each offering of a Canvas course will be duplicated before each new offering of a Canvas course. For example, the collection related to Canvas course ‘2021 ACT7101A’ will be duplicated and named ‘2022 ACT7101A'. If a video (link) in one of these collections is deleted, the link is not deleted in the other collection


  • One collection is created in Echo to match each Canvas course that may or will link to Echo video content. This formal collection has the same name as the Canvas course it belongs to.

    • The collection should never be deleted

    • The collection should also not be shared with students; to provide students with access to Echo content, link to that content from Canvas

    • if you have been assigned as the Manager for this formal collection, you will be responsible for sharing this collection with whoever is needed by adding and removing members of this collection

      • initially you will be the only member of this collection

      • An ‘Auto-Enroll Link’ option is available that adds whoever accesses the link as a Reviewer of the collection; this can be used to save time adding staff to the collection

      • the standard role in this collection for all staff (apart from the collection Manager should be Editor. This will help prevent accidental deletion of videos from the collection.

      • Students should not be invited to join this collection.

    • A copy of this collection will be created by NIDA’s Echo admins for each offering of a course in Canvas.

      • This copy will contain the same videos as for the previous offering

      • Members of the new collection can thus change content without affecting the content of the previous version. This ensures that

        • the collections continue to accurately reflect the Echo content for each delivery of a course

        • you can return to collections for previous years to access Echo content you may wish to reuse.


(This introduction is most applicable to workflow D.3. Sharing your Echo collection)

  • Ownership of video collections

    • Currently all users - including students - are allowed to create collections and each collection remains private to the user who created it until that user chooses to share the collection with others.

    • You are thus able to access Echo360 content in any collection that you have created or to which you have been made a member

    • As the owner (or ‘manager’) of a collection you control who has access to your collection and what they can do with it. You can make someone else a manager of your collection but once you do, you can’t undo this by yourself since managers can not remove or demote other managers. If you want to remove a collection manager, ask one of NIDA’s Echo360 admins for help

    • Collections have an option that allows whoever clicks on a link to be made a member of that collection

    • The following practice is recommended for managing course-based Echo collections: A single person is designated as the manager for all course-based Echo collections for a given degree/school. This person would likely be the course coordinator or similar. This person creates all course-based Echo collections for the degree/school so that by default they are given the role of Collection Manager.

      • All staff who are then added as members of this collection are added in an Editor role only in order to prevent them accidentally deleting videos from this collection. If a video really needs to be deleted from the collection, then staff ask the Collection Manager to do this for them. Or the Collection Manager does this as a standard part of managing these course-based collections.

      • the standard role for all students should be Reviewer.

D. Ownership of individual videos


  • If you share an individual video with another user, this adds the video to their personal Echo library. Since you are still the video’s owner, your name appears under the video in their library.


  • What they are then allowed to do depends on their role.

    • Note that for students, who have minimal rights over videos that have been shared with them, the actions they are able to take with the video are viewing it, downloading it and removing it from their library.

    • If you thus want to prevent students from downloading content you have shared with them, don’t use the Share option for an individual video. Insteadinstead of sharing the video with them, create a collection, add the video to the collection , then add students to this collection in the role of Reviewer.

  • Equally, if someone owns a video and has shared it with you, you may not be able to share it with someone else.

