This workflow covers the steps required for a user to create a collection.
The video that covers the same steps as the below can be found here:
[video not yet available]
For important notes related to all Group D collection workflows, click here
You can create a collection for personal use or share it with others
If you are able to create a collection, you become its Manager and can fully control it. By contrast, if you are invited to join a collection created by someone else, you only get the abilities in that collection that have been given to you by that collections collection's Manager/s
If you share it with others, the role you give them is important See workflow D.3 ‘Sharing your collection' workflow for more details
One collection is created in Echo to match each Canvas course that may or will link to Echo video content. This formal collection has the same name as the Canvas course it belongs to.
When viewing the ‘My Echo360 Library’ screen, collections can be seen in both the Library and Collections tabs but individual videos can only be seen in the Library tab.