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Echo360 is a platform used at NIDA to hold video content used to teach courses.


The following links point to pages related to using Echo360 via Canvas.
Two uses are currently covered:

  • Workflows for staff to use when uploading and linking to Echo360 content

  • Setting up Canvas so that students can submit video for their assignments

Use 1: Uploading and linking to Echo360 content by staff

The steps below cover the four main staff workflows for using Echo360 via Canvas.

There are two versions of these workflows:

  • a document in this How To

  • a video in ClickView.

Links to both versions are provided below








  1. Adding content to Echo360 now; link to it from Canvas now


Uploading a video at the same time as adding it via Canvas' text editor


✍️ Upload while adding


🎞️ Upload while adding


Recording a webcam session at the same time as adding it via Canvas' text editor


✍️ Recording a webcam session while adding


🎞️ Recording a webcam session while adding


  1. Adding content to Echo360 now; link to it from Canvas later


Adding an existing Echo video to Canvas via Canvas’ text editor


✍️ Adding an existing Echo video to Canvas


🎞️ Adding an existing Echo video to Canvas


Uploading a video to your personal Echo library for later use


✍️ Upload to your Echo360 library


🎞️ Upload to your Echo360 library

Use 2: Setting up Canvas so that students can submit video for their assignments

Video assignments follow the same three-step sequence as for any other assignment, ie setup, submission and grading.


Step in sequence


Echo non-preferred option: submission type = Online + File Uploads


Step 1: How staff can set up an Echo video Assignment activity in Canvas


✍️ link to guide - Echo-preferred setup (Online + Website URL)

✍️ link to guide- Echo non-preferred setup (Online + File Upload)


Step 2: How students can upload their submission to this Assignment activity


✍️ link to guide - Echo-preferred setup (Online + Website URL)

✍️ link to guide - Echo non-preferred setup (Online + File Upload)


Step 3: How staff can then grade these video submissions


✍️ link to guide

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