This workflow covers the steps required for a user to add a video to Echo360 while at the same time linking to this video from Canvas.
This workflow is available to both staff and students.
The video that covers the same steps as the below can be found here:
[revised video not yet available]
For important notes related to all Group A workflows, click here
For important notes related to all Group C workflows, click here
You can’t upload a video directly into an Echo360 collection.
This is because uploading a video and adding a video to a collection are separate processes in Echo.
So if you want to link from Canvas to a video and add it to an Echo collection, you can either
- upload and link to the video at the same time (ie this workflow), then as a separate step add it to the collection, or
- upload the video and add it to a collection, then as a separate step search for the video individually and link to the video.
1. Navigate to a NIDA Canvas course that you want to add the video to
29. You've now finished linking to videos that already existed in Echo. You did this two ways:
- by embedding the video
- by creating a simple link to the video.
You checked that both videos played in Canvas once you’d linked to them from Echo.
This link takes you back to the list of workflow links on the 'Echo360 Introduction' page