Versions Compared


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During Production Seasons (June Season, Spring Season and Festival of Emerging Artists) the Technical Operations department is on site to assist within the venue spaces.


  • Equipment loans of NIDAs on-site equipment (via Cheqroom)

  • Advice on systems and equipment NIDA has and how it might be used within a production

  • Technical Specifications for venues, and guidance on keeping within the venue limitations

  • Provide guidance on how to integrate equipment into venue systems

  • Venue familiarisation & inductions into venues and processes e.g. Fly line Operation

  • System safety checks as required

  • Provide technical support on for NIDA’s in-house equipment (to ensure it is functional) and venue-specific systems. Technical Operations are not on-call for show specific or externally provided systems

  • Counterweight fly system reweighting

  • Provide Camera System for SMD monitoring including IR monitoring

  • Comms Programming

  • Archival Recordings of Production

What we don’t do

Whilst Technical Operations is a service department, there are some things that whilst we are always here to be helpful, it is innapropriate for us to assist with within the learning context. We may direct you to your mentors, tutors or course leaders if we believe your request relates to learning outcomes. If you do get to the point where you need assistance the first contact should be mentors and tutors, then course leaders. It will then be at the course leaders discretion if tech ops can assist.

This includes things like:

  • Anything directly related to learning outcomes, e.g. help with scheduling, creating paperwork or system design

  • Show programming (unless arranged by the Producer/Production Manager prior).

  • System design

  • Support for show-specific equipment or systems e.g. externaly hired equipment, systems designed specifically for the show, or use of the venue in a non-standard manner.

Prior to Venue access, if you would like to arrange some tutoring on console use and programming, or advice around your system please talk to your course leader first and with their approval Technical Operations can provide some console or equipment training and familiarisation. e.g. Use of DLive, ETC Gio,


Technical Operations is the last resort for troubleshooting show-specific systems. Please ensure you have gone through normal troubleshooting steps first, then your mentors, tutors and course leaders are available for the initial support and troubleshooting.

Basic troubleshooting tips can be found here!


During the production season Venue supervisors are on hand to assist, this is either a member of the full time team or may be a casual staff member.

More information will be added here soon about who they are, how they can assist and how to identify them.

Venue Modifications

During general venue access week modifications are made to the venues in order to facilitate the design. Some of these modifications require Tech Ops staff to either approve, do or lead the team of students.





Time and Labour

Tools Required

Vomitory Installation or Removal

Removal or installation of Vomitory section of seating bank

2 hours

1x tech ops lead + 2 Student crew


Ligthting Boom Installation or Removal

Removal or installation of side lighting booms

1 hour

1x tech Ops Lead + 2 Student Crew


Philips head bit

shifting spanner/socket set

Mezanine Seating Modifications

Removal of Mezanine seats or hand rails

3 hours (all seats and handrails)

1x Tech Ops Lead + 2 Student Crew





Time and Labour

Tools Required

Mezzanine Handrails

Removal of handrails on mezzanine. Either top section for audience viewing or entirely for design requirements

1 hour +

1x Tech Ops lead + student crew


Seating Bank

Installation or Removal of the Studio seating bank in it’s standard configuration

3 hours

1x Tech Ops Lead + 6 Student Crew

Hex Head Coffin Lock Key

Floor Traps Installation or Removal

Must be compliant with building code and returned to normal post production. Designs and merit require executive approval for structural modifications.

to be estimated based off plans.


  • Reweight fly lines

  • Swinging Bars

  • Operate Pit Lift in Parade

Venue Standards

Venue tech specs can be found here Venue Information - Technical Specifications

It is best to check these documents prior to bump in as they are continually updated.

It is the ongoing expectation with the use of theatre spaces that the room is returned to standard at the conclusion of every production, regardelss of how the room was found. There may be some things that are either pre-done or requested to vary from standard to maximise efficient use of the venues. This is standard industry practice and good to replicate.

General Guidelines:

  • Leave the room how you wish you found it (not how you actually found it)

  • Technical Operations may ask for modifications to standard on bump out in order to make the next bump in quicker. This work would be the equivalent to or less work than returning to standard. e.g. modify seating bank rather than complete strike.

  • Modifications may be made by the previous user to the room prior to your arrival to assist in your bump in. Every attempt will be made to communicate all changes when possible however minior variations may not be noted, however shouldn’t have an impact on bump in time except make bump in quicker.

  • Always refer to the venue standards when working out your bump out checklists, do not base it off how you found the room.

  • Whilst every effort is made to keep tech specs up to date for each venue, there will always be minor corrects, please email anything you notice as incorrect or missing to so we can update the files.

Contacting Technical Operations
