Please fill the below mandatory fields in the form & submit it to HR for approval
Field | Description |
Job Title | The position for which you are recruiting. |
Cost Centre | The department to which hours performed in this role are costed. |
Award | The Award conditions applicable to work performed within this position. |
Visibility Date from | Date from Job posting is visible for applicants to apply. |
Number of Openings | Number of openings of the position. For permanent positions this would likely be 1, for casual positions it may be more (or unlimited, in which case tick continuous openings). |
Budgeted (Yes/No) | If the Position is budgeted then Yes, if not, no. |
Employee Type | The employment status of the position (e.g. Casual, Full Time, Part Time). |
Description | Description of the Position. |
Manager 1 | The prospective employee’s direct manager. Controls workflows and approvals within the system. |
Manager 2 | A secondary manager for approval processes. This is usually set as Manager 1’s manager. |
Primary Contact | The Hiring Manager's name. If you will be managing this requisition, enter your name. |
Contact Phone | The Hiring Manager's phone number. If you will be managing this requisition, enter your details. |
Contact E-mail | The Hiring Manager's email address. If you will be managing this requisition, enter your details. |
Job Requirements | Advise specific requirements expected of the successful applicant. |
Has a Position Description been provided? | Advise if a Position Description has been attached to this requisition. Supporting Documents can be attached to a requisition using the Quick Actions on the right of the screen. |
Is this a New or Existing Position? | Advise if the role is a new role or if you are hiring to replace an existing role. |
Is this an existing workstation for this role? | If the answer is no, please talk to facilities and I.T about your requirements. |
Step 7: After filling the Mandatory fields required navigate to the top right hand side and click save
Upload the PD , and any other required documents using the Choose Option
Submit the Requistion Requisition to HR
Step 10: Once you submit, the status of the requisition will show as open