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Preset opening hours can be set for all locations in ASIMUT.

This can be done by selecting Functions > Edit locations and then clicking the Opening hours at top left.
These hours should be left untouched if possible as they affect all locations in ASIMUT if changed.


Instead, exceptions can be added to ASIMUT bookings to cater for booking events outside regular opening hours.

Adding these exceptions requires access to the advanced interface in ASIMUT.
You can get to the advanced interface if you are a Power User or Administrator and select the 'a' icon at the bottom left when in the main screen of the public interface:


  • if for a single day, select the start and end hours for the exception; you can set two hour periods for durations in a single day

    Image Removed

    (to accommodate for example a room booking that begins before and after core NIDA hours):

  • Image Added

    if for more than one day, tick the ‘Multiple dates’ box, and specify the date range in the From section. Then set the start and end hours for the exception; .

    Image Added

As for single date bookings, you can also set two


durations for


each day in the date period.


You can use the exception to open or close the location for the time period you specify by selecting either Open or Closed from the dropdown


ASIMUT may not want to place your booking right next to an existing booking or opening hour boundary. If this happens, when you try selecting the time you want ASIMUT won’t place the time in the text box.
To get around this, try these two tactics:

  1. select a time that’s 5 minutes from the time you want.

  2. select a time that’s 5 minutes from the time you want, then when ASIMUT places your time in the text box, select to change this time again but choose the original time you wanted

  • Enter a description that will be shown when people view the exception, then click the Save button

You are then returned to the main view, and the day/s the exception are set for are marked in bold. In this example, exceptions have been booked for the 8th, 11th and 12th of September:


In both cases, select the desired exception and you are taken back to the editing screen for that exception:exception.
(When editing an existing exception, a Delete button is shown in addition to the regular Save button.)

  • to edit the exception, make the changes needed then click the Save button
