This workflow covers the steps required for a user to find out which Canvas course an Echo section has been linked to and which users are enrolled in that section.
The video that covers the same steps as the below can be found here:[video not yet available]
For important notes related to all Group D collection workflows, click here
Knowing and adding to the the users enrolled in a section is useful if you want to change these enrolments so Echo more accurately caters for the staff involved in a given Canvas course
You can see a list of Echo sections (ie Echo equivalents of Canvas courses) by viewing the ‘Courses’ tab after clicking on the ‘My Echo360 Library’ link in the blue menu shown to the left of any Canvas course
For how to find a list of Echo classes in an Echo section linked to a specific Canvas course, see workflow C.3. Finding a video in an Echo class
For the diagram of the course-section-class hierarchy, click this link
1. Go to a Canvas course page
A. To see which Canvas course the section is attached to
B. To see which users are enrolled in the section (and potentially enrol new users)
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-students do not need to be added since they automatically get enrolled when they access resources held in Echo classes attached to the section
This link takes you back to the list of workflow links on the 'Echo360 Introduction' page