This workflow covers the steps required for users to share their video collections with others.
The video that covers the same steps as the below can be found here:
[video not yet available]
For important notes related to all Group D collection workflows, click here
[230125 RK: make all screenshots smaller so people can eg print off the workflow as a pdf]
Notes specific to this workflow
You can create a collection for personal use or share it with others. When you do, you become the collection’s Manager.
To share a collection, you need to add other users to your collection. You can add further users to the collection at any point
One collection is created in Echo to match each Canvas course that may or will link to Echo video content. This formal collection has the same name as the Canvas course it belongs to.
The collection should never be deleted
The collection should also not be shared with students; to provide students with access to Echo content, link to that content from Canvas
if you have been assigned as the Manager for this formal collection, you will be responsible for sharing this collection with whoever is needed by adding and removing members of this collection
initially you will be the only member of this collection
An ‘Auto-Enroll Link’ option is available that adds whoever accesses the link as a Reviewer of the collection; this can be used to save time adding staff to the collection
the standard role in this collection for all staff apart from the collection Manager should be Contributor. This will help prevent accidental deletion of videos from the collection.
A copy of this collection will be created by NIDA’s Echo admins for each offering of a course in Canvas.
This copy will contain the same videos as for the previous offering
Members of the new collection can thus change content without affecting the content of the previous version. This ensures that
the collections continue to accurately reflect the Echo content for each delivery of a course
you can return to collections for previous years to access Echo content you may wish to reuse.