1. Navigate to the course for which you want to create or update a video Assignment using Echo
2. Add the Assignment activity. In this example the Assignment is being created via the Modules screen, so click on the + icon to add an item to the desired module

3. Select 'Assignment' from the Add dropdown, then click on the 'Create Assignment' option

4. Enter a name for this new assignment in the Name box

5. Then click the 'Add Item' button

6. Back on the Modules screen, your new Assignment activity should be shown in the module selected

7. Click on the new Assignment's title to display the Assignment's main screen, then click the Edit icon to change this Assignment's settings

8. In the Settings screen, add the total possible grade the student can achieve in the Points box

9. Check the Submission Type listed. If it's set to 'No Submission' it needs to be changed

10. Select 'Online' instead of 'No submission', then tick the 'File Uploads' option
For video submissions, you don't need to restrict the students' submissions to any particular file types

11. Set a Due Date for the Assignment
If you want the Assignment to only be accessible to students for a specific length of time, add the from date in the 'Available from' box, and the to date in the 'Until' box

12. Click on 'Save & Publish'
If you don't want the Assignment to be available to students yet, click on the 'Save' button instead

13. You should now be returned to the Assignment's main screen.
You have now successfully set up a video assignment because the students will be able to select to submit their video to Echo as part of the submission process.