02. Investigating a Hazard

02. Investigating a Hazard


Within the NIDA Safety Portal, respective managers are tasked with reviewing and investigating hazards pertinent to their respective areas of responsibility. This ensures that all identified hazards are thoroughly investigated to comprehend their origins and pinpoint ways to mitigate potential risks. Below is a short video demonstrating how to investigate a hazard within the NIDA Safety Portal, accompanied by an explanation for each question on the form.






Initial uncontrolled risk

Uncontrolled likelihood of occurrence

This refers to the probability or frequency of a particular event or hazard occurring without any interventions or controls in place.


The natural or inherent risk before any mitigation measures are applied.



What controls need to be in place to reduce the risk of the hazard causing a negative outcome?

Removing the hazard from the workplace

This involves replacing a hazardous material or process with a less hazardous one

This involves physically separating or isolating the hazard from workers.

These are physical changes made to machinery or the work environment that reduce the risk.

These controls involve changes to the way work is organized and procedures are carried out. They often include training, standard operating procedures, safety policies, and regulations.

Change Practices
This involves changing the way a task is performed to make it safer. It is similar to administrative controls but focuses more on actual work practices rather than overarching procedures or policies.

Residual controlled risk

Controlled likelihood of occurrence

This refers to the probability of frequency of an event or hazard occurring after appropriate control measures and interventions have been applied to safeguard employees and students.

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