Qualtrics dashboards - Reports tab
The Reports tab is the second of two dashboard options available as standard with any Qualtrics survey.
It can be used as a standalone dashboard, in contrast to the Results tab which is more easily used together with TotalXM Reports (or ‘TXRs’ from now on).
Its focus is to allow you to quickly create reports “from the ground up where you control the layouts”.1
Responses from other surveys can be brought into reports created in the Reports tab, matching the same ability available in TXRs.
Dashboards/widgets/pages created in the Reports tab are not copied when you make a copy of the related survey project.
The following sections in this guide provide a summary of more detailed information available on Qualtrics' support pages, for example:
Reports overview
Reports toolbar
Reports visualisations
Accessing the survey Reports tab
Create a survey project or select one from the Projects screen then in this survey navigate to the Reports tab at the top.
As mentioned above, because you can build widgets based on responses in other surveys, you don’t necessarily need to have collected responses in the survey project you’re using for the report.
However it makes sense to create the report in the survey project that holds the most responses you will be using.
If there are no existing reports, click the +Create Report button.
Qualtrics will then create an empty report.
2. Pages
Dashboards created in the Results tab consist of pages that contain widgets and sundry content.
You can add more than one widget per question, and you can add as many pages as you wish.
Each page can hold up to 100 widgets.
3. Content comparison (Results vs Reports tabs)
The following dropdown compares which page content options are available in Results and Reports tabs (as at December 2024).
Widgets represent visualisations/charts you create of responses provided to your survey.
They can also show other data that is automatically generated or collected by Qualtrics as part of the survey, such as response date, time taken to complete survey, estimated respondent location, and for text questions: estimated sentiment and emotional intensity.
Based on the type of information collected (eg number, text, choice, date) for a given question, Qualtrics will initially select what it thinks is a suitable chart type to illustrate this. You can replace these types with others, or adjust settings and styles for these suggestions to better represent your preferences.
The Toolbar comprises the area at the top of the Reports tab.
When you scroll down in your report, everything above the Toolbar is pushed offscreen to provide more space until you return to the top of the screen.
We will break the Toolbar down into two areas in this guide: the Toolbar Menu and the Toolbar Banner.
The Toolbar Menu consists of three areas: Report name and creation; Menu options; and Status and location details.
Report name and creation
The report name and creation area controls display of the current report.
a. Create new report
Multiple reports can be created within the Reports tab.
To create a new report, click on the dropdown arrow the right of the current report name and select +New…
Check you are in the New Report tab, then enter a report name, report size, orientation and overall margin.
If you want to specify the margin for each edge of the report, select the Advanced link and enter these.
Finally, click the Create button.
Note that you can have multiple reports with the same name.
See below under Menu options > File for steps on how to rename and delete reports.
b. Select current report
If you have more than one report saved in your Reports tab, you can select the report to display by clicking the dropdown arrow the right of the current report name and selecting the name of the desired report.
Menu options
The menu area consists of File, Share, Edit, View and Insert choices.
Here are the the options available off each choice.
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The File menu allows controlling mostly file-related aspects reports generated in the Reports tab.
This menu also duplicates options found in the Settings shortcut in the toolbar banner.
This option is used to create a new report. See the Toolbar Menu > Report name and creation > 'Create new report' section above for more detail.
Use this option to create a copy of the currently displayed report. The new version of the report will have ' (Copy)' at the end of its name.
Export to QRF
An exported QRF file should contain all settings and visualisations from the source report.
Qualtrics doesn’t include the name of the survey project in the filename it suggests, so while it is possible to find this survey from within the QRF file, it might be quicker to include this in the filename when saving it.
Since you can include content from other surveys in Reports tab reports, QRF files should not need to be used in the same survey project they were created in.
QRF report files can be imported into the Reports tab by clicking the report name dropdown in the toolbar menu, clicking + New…., then on the ‘Import from QRF’ tab, then using ‘Choose a file’ to browse in your system to find and upload the file.
This will involve checking the source surveys listed in the file and mapping these to surveys currently available in Qualtrics; Qualtrics will provide suggested mappings if it can find these surveys already.
Qualtrics gives you the option to retitle the uploaded report.
To delete a report, select it via the dropdown arrow the right of the current report name. Then in the Toolbar Menu select File > Delete and confirm the deletion.
To rename a report, select it via the dropdown arrow the right of the current report name. Then in the Toolbar Menu select File > Rename.
Settings… and Page Setup…
These options provide much the same functionality across their Visualisation, Page and Locale tabs.
On selecting either of these options, a dialogue box is displayed.
- The Visualisation tab allows setting these options across the entire report: typeface including font size and colour for body text, table header, table body, and chart text; default table density, response count, metric, decimal places, weighting, table totals and cell character limits, colour palette, visualisation margin, response lower limit; and the ability to create custom metrics.
Some of these options may be offered at the widget level, in which case they would only apply to the widget being edited
- The Page tab
The Page tab in this menu option is a duplicate of the options available when creating a page.
See the Toolbar Menu > Report name and creation > ‘Create new report' section above for more detail.
- The Locale tab provides options for length units and timezones.
For the length unit display, you may only be able to select between Cm and Centimetres since our Qualtrics instance may not have been set up to include American measures such as inches.
For the timezone, NIDA’s standard setting is Australia/Canberra UTC+10 (or UTC+11 during daylight savings).
In addition to these tabs, there is the option to save these settings as defaults so that they can be applied to new reports.
To save a default, select the dropdown arrow to the right of ‘Apply my default settings’ at the bottom of the dialogue box and click ‘Save as my default settings’.
No confirmation is provided that the settings have been saved, however if you then make a change to a setting and then select ‘Apply my default settings’, your change should be reversed.
Another option that can be used to restore settings is 'Apply Qualtrics default’
Help Link
Clicking the Help Link opens a new browser tab to https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/reports-module/reports-section/paginated-reports-overview/?utm_medium=ReportsSection&utm_source=product&utm_campaign=AdvancedReportsOverview, which is a landing page on the Qualtrics website with more in-depth information on Reports tab options.
The Share menu allows controlling access to reports generated in the Reports tab.
This menu also duplicates two options found in the Banner: Download PDF and Manage Public Report.
Download PDF
Clicking this option creates a pdf of the currently displayed report.
Once processing is complete, Qualtrics will then open a new browser tab showing the pdf which can then be downloaded using the browser’s standard download options.
The pdf is given a random filename which can be changed when saved.
A message is not added in to the Notifications pane (at the top right of the screen) when the file is created.
Manage Public Report…
The Manage Public Report is the single method available in the Reports tab for providing dynamic/online access to Reports tab reports.
A password option is offered with the link created to allow more access control.
To create the link, select the tick box next to ‘Public Report Available’ then click the Save button.
Optionally then select the tick box next to ‘Password Protection’ and enter a valid password (suitability criteria are displayed)
Select the Copy button next to the generated link to copy this to your device’s clipboard.
The format of this link will be similar to https://nida.au1.qualtrics.com/reports/public/[arandomlygeneratedtextstring]
To remove access to a report, select the report, click this Manage Public Report option, deselect the tick box next to ‘Public Report Available’, then click the Save button.
A different url/password combination is available for each report created in the Reports tab.
See the Menu Options > View > Preview Public Report section below for information on how to check your report if you want to see how it looks before making it available to others.
Use the Manage Public Report option in combination with the Preview Public Report option
Schedule Email…
To schedule an email, in the dialogue box off the Schedule Email option, click +New Email at bottom left.
The email options then provided are similar to those found in Email tasks within survey Workflows tabs.
After entering a destination email address, subject line and optional message body, options are available to then schedule the report to be emailed at a given time weekly or monthly.
Times entered in 24 hour format are converted to the 12 hour equivalent
Weekly emails can be selected by weekday.
Monthly can be selected by day of the month, first and last days.
A choice is provided to either send the report now or at the scheduled time.
The schedule is created after clicking the Create button and is listed as a new tab in the Schedule Email dialogue box from which point it can be sent immediately, updated or deleted.
The report is then attached. Its filename doesn’t appear to be related to the survey or report urls.
The schedule can be re-reached at any point by selecting the Schedule Email option.
The Edit menu allows performing actions with selected content in the report.
If multiple people are editing the same content item (or if you have the same report open in more than one browser tab), you may see a message requiring you to reload the report:
Note that there is not a Move option in the Edit menu.
To move content around the report, click on it until its border appears, and then drag it to its new location - a horizontal bar will show the current new position.
Use this to copy a content item into the ‘clipboard’.
To copy an entire page, use Shift to select the top and bottom items within the page. Once you have selected these and all items between them, use the Copy option.
If you copy an item with filters applied to it, the copy will also have these filters applied.
The equivalent Copy option is also available off the Options context menu when you have a content item selected.
You can paste item/s added to the clipboard to a new destination. Select the destination by clicking a piece of content you want the item/s added underneath.
There is no equivalent Paste option off the Options context menu.
To remove a content item from the page, select it then click Remove on the Edit menu.
Alternatives to this approach are:
- clicking the Remove option is also available off the Options context menu when you have the item selected
- clicking the Remove button that appears in the Settings pane to the right.
To remove a page, remove the page break between it and the preceding page.
Any content on the removed page will then move up onto the preceding page.
Remove the break by mousing over the ‘Page Break’ text until a red x appears, then click on this x
Thus, to remove a page and its contents, delete the contents then remove the page break.
Remove all the content by using Shift to select the top and bottom items within the page.
After selecting all items on the page, click Edit > Remove.
Alternatively a Remove All Widgets button should appear in the Settings pane at the right.
The View menu allows controlling some overall aspects of report display which may make editing easier.
For example, switching on the Page Grid option may make it easier to align images.
There are four options that reveal the current layout: Page Margins, Page Grid, Outlines and Highlight Blank Spaces and each can be applied separately.
They apply across all reports until changed.
The following zoomed-in shot shows all these options applied.
This menu also duplicates two options found in the Banner: ‘Preview Public Report’ and ‘Zoom’.
Page margins
This marks the outside limits of where content can be placed.
For information on how to charge margin settings, see the section File > Settings… or Page Setup… > Page tab
Page Grid
This displays a square grid, which may be useful when aligning images or working with resized content object borders
This shows the border around content objects.
Note that this border is resizeable - for example an object can be made to occupy more vertical space by dragging the bottom resizing point downwards.
Content will then resize to fit the new dimensions if it can.
Some objects will allow only horizontal sizing (for example because their vertical size is automatically controlled by Qualtrics based on the amount of contained content), while others such as widget boxes allow side and edge dragging.
Highlight Blank Spaces
This helps you identify where you might have unused space that could be removed to shorten your report.
This will allow you pick from a range of set zoom sizes
or opt to fit the report to the maximum Content Area screen size excluding the Settings and Styles pane on the right.
Note that Zoom doesn’t change the layout of a content item or its borders, so you may need to use options such as Outline to resize the item’s borders, or Filters to reduce the amount of data being displayed in order see content more clearly.
Preview Public Report
You can preview your report if you intend to for example export it to pdf or create a public link to it.
This option is available off the View menu or as a quicklink on the toolbar banner.
The Insert menu offers options to add content to a report.
While you can point in your report to data sources both inside and outside the current survey, you can’t push widgets from elsewhere into the Reports tab.
This includes any widgets you may have created in the Results tab of the current survey, so you need to build the same widget in both tabs if you want it displayed in each.
Survey Data
This allows you to select the question the responses to which you want illustrated in widgets in the report.
Qualtrics will show you questions that are part of the survey the Reports tab is in.
For selecting responses from other surveys, see the Insert > Other Projects below.
The icons to the left of the question give you an idea of the question type used.
For matrix table questions, you can select one or all of the statements in the question.
Once you select the question, Qualtrics will automatically select a visualisation/chart type it thinks is the most appropriate for the type of data collected by the question.
You can then change this chart type to something else if desired.
Note that some widgets allow selecting multiple questions so that more than one set of responses can be visualised.
Chart types that allow this are bar and line charts, and data tables. For more information see here.
Survey Metadata
This option lets you select information collected by the Qualtrics about responses provided, e.g. how long a user took to complete a survey or when they completed it
Embedded Data
This option lets you select information that is either
- automatically generated by Qualtrics based around the questions asked, or
- collected in custom fields that survey designers can add to a survey that can then be used to combine information or control the survey in different ways.
Other Projects
This option lets you select data from other surveys.Recently Used
This will show you surveys you have already selected from in the current report.
Depending on the survey selected, sources available to select from will depend on what information has already been collected by that survey.
Sources may include responses, metadata and embedded dataAll Projects
This will allow you to select data from sources new to your report.
There may be some restrictions on which projects you can select from.
For example, TotalXM Reports are not listed.
Text area
Two sub options are provided under the menu selection 'Text': Text Area and Filter SummaryText Area
This allows you to insert a text box which you can then use to provide text for the report.
See the text edit mode section under Toolbar Banner below for details on how to format added text.
Filter Summary
Adding a Filter Summary inserts a text box that lists the currently active filters at report level.
Filter Summaries do not list widget level filters.
This can be useful to show what filters were in force when a report is shared, exported or downloaded.
Since only one filter can be active per source survey, only one from each source will be listed here in this Summary box.
Images can be added to your report which can be uploaded from your device or pulled from your Qualtrics personal or department file libraries.
You can choose how the image occupies its containing box (and like for other content items that allow it, you can use the image box corners to resize your image).
You can also add rules to control whether the image is displayed based on values in your data.
After selecting Image from the insert menu, click on the Choose image icon to the right of the Image Url box. To browse for an image from your device, then click on +Upload image else select the Qualtrics library to pull your image from.
If you choose to upload a fresh image, browse for the image, select it then optionally give it a new filename and ‘category’ (ie folder) within your Qualtrics library, then click Save.
Your image will then be added to your personal library and to the image box in your report.
On the report page, you can then select display options from the Settings and Styles pane at the right.
Blank Space
You can insert blank space in your report. This can be useful as placeholders or to separate content.
If you drag a content item over a blank space, the space will move to the bottom of the report.
If you insert blank space in your document, you can use the Highlight Blank Space option in the View menu to either show these spaces crosshatched or left unmarked.
The Divider option inserts a rule at the bottom of the report. It can then be dragged into its desired location.
The Divider option allows for the same display logic ability as for images - see the Image section above for more detail.
For more detail on options available with each of the visualisations offered in the Reports tab, see the Settings & Styles heading below.
There are two methods of adding visualisations/widgets to your report:
Method 1. Choose the visualisation and then select its data source (eg a survey question)
- choose visualisation
- check that the new blank visualisation area has been selected as a result
- click on +Add Metric in the right-hand Settings pane
- select the data source (eg a survey question)
- Qualtrics then populates your chosen visualisation; click outside the Source/Options/Filters dialogue box to return to the main display
if your visualisation does not suit the source you have selected, you will see a ‘No data found’ message
Method 2. Choose the data source, let Qualtrics then add the visualisation it thinks most suits the data, then change this visualisation if needed.
In both cases, you start adding a visualisation by selecting the content object you want to add the visualisation under, then either selecting the visualisation from the Insert menu
or from the Insert button above your insertion point.
The quicker and less involved option would seem to be to select the data source off the Options menu because you are then already pointing at the data you want rather than having to find out how to do this off different versions of the Settings pane.
The following dropdown shows visualisations available in the Reports tab.
See the Settings and Styles section below for information on which options are available with each.
vi. Page Break
You can create a new page at any point as long as you have at least two content items in your report.
To add a page break, select the item under which you want to create the break, then select this option.
vii. Page breaks can be removed on a page by page basis and then readded if needed.
To remove a break, mouse over the ‘Page Break’ text and click the x that then appears.
viii. Page Header
You can add and control page header settings via this Header option.
This option is not available from the Insert button and can only be accessed from the Insert menu at the top of the screen.
To disable a header option, select None in its related dropdown.
If you select an option other than None for the Header Text or Logo options, available settings for these options will then be displayed.
If Qualtrics believes that the options you’ve selected won’t fit on one line, it’ll push content onto following lines.
If a page header is already in place, you can edit its settings by choosing this option or alternatively clicking the header area to bring up the related dialogue box.
ix. Page Footer
You can add and control page footer settings via this Footer option.
Footer options follow the same methods as for headers, so for more detail, see the Page Header section above.
Status and location details
This area displays the report’s …
a. status in terms of when it was last saved.
b. location in terms of timezone along with relative UTC reference
The report is saved automatically after each change made. There is no undo option provided in the Reports tab, however you are able to use strategies such as exporting the report to a QRF file.
If necessary, the timezone can be changed for the survey.
(If you want to change your timezone across your entire Qualtrics login, you can do this by going in to Account Settings off your login details at top right.)
The toolbar banner operates in two modes: standard and text edit mode.
In standard mode, the Toolbar Banner consists of four areas: shortcuts; zoom level; response count; and filter management.
1. Shortcuts
The following shortcuts are available:
Zoom level
This option allows you to increase the magnification of the report in standard increments.
The ‘Fit’ option is effectively larger than 200% because it minimises display of any horizontal space outside the report margins.
Qualtrics will always leave the right hand portion of the content area available for display of the Settings and Styles pane, so no zoom setting will occupy near 100% of screen width.
Using zoom does not increase the size of any components within content items.
You thus can’t use zoom to see crowded content more clearly and will need to use tactics such as filtering your content for this.
The zoom level applies across all reports.
Response count
This area shows the current total of all responses supplied to the survey the Report tab is found in.
Filter management
Adding report-level filters
The Add Filter option allows setting limitations on what data is displayed in a widget.
Filter options are based on what surveys have been used as sources of data for the report.
For this reason, when selecting Add Filter…, you need to select which survey you want to filter data from.
Once you select the survey, you then select the relevant Manage Filters option.
If no filters for that survey are in place, you are asked to create a filter
You are then taken to the New Filter tab in the Manage Filters dialogue box.
Supply a name for the filter then select the criteria to apply. The filter name will then be shown as the tab name
When you complete a criterion statement, Qualtrics will show how many survey responses the filter will apply to.
You can apply multiple criteria to a single named filter, and you can group criteria into ‘condition sets’.
When finished, click on Save and Apply.
You are then returned to the main screen and the Add Filter link now displays as Modify Filters.
Checking and enabling filters
If you then click on Modify Filters, any ticks you see indicate active filters: if a survey has active filters it will be shown ticked, then then under that survey any active filters are also shown ticked.
If you can’t find a filter, check in any other source surveys listed in the Modify Filters dropdown.
If you click on a ticked survey, this filter will then be disactivated. Any affected widgets will then update after a few seconds.
To reactivate a filter, check it is unticked in the Modify Filters dropdown then click o it.
You can only activate one filter at a time per source survey, however if you have multiple source surveys, you can have a filter from each active at the same time.
When applying a filter, you will only see changes in widgets which point to data in the same source survey that the filter is built from.
For large reports, it may take a while for Qualtrics to apply the filter across the entire report.
You may also find that Qualtrics fails to apply filters for this reason.
If you experience this, it may be worthwhile breaking your report into smaller sections.
Copying and deleting filters
Mousing over this survey then provides options to either manage all filters, or to go directly to modify your previously saved filter.
If you select ‘Manage Filters’ at this point, in the dialogue box that then appears all existing filters are shown and can be searched by name in the text box at the top left.
Additionally, icons appear to the right of each filter name allowing copying and deleting.
Filters at widget- and report-level
Filters can also be added at the widget level. If so, they also get copied up to report level and can be accessed via the Manage Filters dialogue box for the same source survey that you are adding the filter for.
They are then available to be applied within any widget in the report which points to data in the same source survey.
Filters added at widget level are thus also available across any report generated in the Reports tab for a given project.
Both report- and widget-level filters are saved against the surveys they’re built on.
So if you use the same source surveys across several projects, you should be able to select these filters without having to rebuild them each time.
Filters can then be activated and disactivated as needed at both report and widget level.
If you apply filters for a given source survey at both the report and widget levels, the filter at report level will override the filter at widget level.
If these filters are mutually exclusive, you may thus see nothing displayed in your widget.
For this reason, it may be useful to add a Filter Summary box in your report to increase awareness of what filters are currently active.
Copying a widget also copies any filters that are applied to it.
See the summary table in Settings and Styles for a listing of where per-widget filters can be applied.
In text edit mode, the Toolbar Banner shows some standard and extra text tools
Text edit mode is enabled when you double click text that you wish to edit.
- you are reminded to double click when a text box has been added without text
- you can exit text edit mode by clicking outside the text box.
Paragraph styles
The paragraph styles option allows selecting from standard heading, body and footnote styles.
A Configure Styles link provides the option to customise these presets, and the defaults option at the bottom allows resetting customisations to standard or saved settings.Font
The Font dropdown lets you choose between a range of typefaces including some monospaced fonts. A search box at the top of the dropdown allows you to search quickly for a desired font.
Fonts can be applied to selected text independent of text around it.Font size
The font size option provides the ability to select font sizes from 8 to 96 point.Font accents
Bold, italic and underline are offered to accent text.Font colour
Font colour can be selected off a palette or by specifying a hex codeBullet style
Numbered and bullet point lists are available. Both offer several indent levels, with numbered lists providing different schemes at each indent level.Alignment
Left, centre and right alignment is provided, with alignment applied to selected text independent of text surrounding it.Remove styles
This option removes any paragraph, font or bullet styles applied to text within the currently selected text box.
The styles returned to are the ones defined as defaults in the File > Settings… or File > Page Setup… dialogue box.Link management
This lets you insert links off text in the report. Since reports can be previewed and shared, this link can also be to other reports.
It’s difficult to edit or remove links once created. Clicking on the linked text in anticipation of being able to edit the link simply takes you to the url linked to.
To edit or remove, it might be easier instead to add fresh text, add a link to that then delete the old link text.Text piping
You can use this option to bring in a range of field values in the current or other surveys. This includes metadata, embedded data, report names, as well as responses and calculations made about those responses where possible (eg averages, minimum).
Once chosen, the piped text’s field name is shown in dark background.
The Content Area is the main work area in the Reports tab.
Content can be inserted and managed by selecting a point in the content area then
taking advantage of the ‘movable menu’ using either
the Insert button and selecting the content to add
the Options button to adjust added content
using the Insert menu in the Toolbar Menu to select a content item, then configuring the options for that item after insertion
The following sections describe these two Insert and Options movable menu actions in more detail.
The selections available in the Options menu depend on what content item you have selected.
See the Toolbar Menu > Menu options > Insert section above for details on options available from this button
The options shown here may include…
a. Copy
This option copies the currently selected content item.
When you paste the copied content, you will need to use the Paste option off the Edit menu since Paste is not available off the Options button on the movable menu.
b. Insert/Remove title
This option is available for widgets.
If no title has been added to a widget and Insert title is selected, Qualtrics will automatically add in the title of the question the widget is pointing to, which can then be edited as needed.
c. Edit
This option is available when for example text boxes are selected. For options then available in the top menu once Edit mode is enabled, see the Toolbar Banner > Text edit mode section above.
d. Export as JPEG image
Selecting this option will create an image of the currently selected content item in jpeg format that can be downloaded.
Once the image has been generated, Qualtrics will open a file management window on your device to allow you to select where you would like the image saved.
e. Export as Word document
Selecting this option will create a .docx format Word document that can be downloaded.
This option is not available for all content item types, for example for widgets with non-table content since this content if saved in Word format would simply be an image inserted in a Word document.
f. Remove
This option will remove the currently selected content item.
It mirrors the ‘Remove’ button available in the right-hand Settings pane when a content item is selected.Settings and Styles
The Settings and Styles pane appears when an item in the Content Area is selected which has options that can be changed.
This pane appears to the right side of the Content Area.
Only those settings and styles that are compatible with the item being displayed will show in the pane.
However, there are options that display regardless of the item selected, ie a Remove button on the Settings tab, and Margin option on the Styles tab.
The following table lists the content items that can be found in Reports tabs.
This includes a list of all Reports visualisations and which survey questions they can be used with.
To see a list of just those visualisations that match a given question type, type in part of the question type name in the Search box at the top right of the table.
The table will then filter out non-matching options.
(For example, if you are using a multiple choice question, type in ‘mult’.)
You can then click on the links in the ‘CONTENT ITEM DOCS’ column to jump to Qualtrics' support pages on how to use that visualisation / content item.
(You can also click on the ‘WORKS WITH QUESTION TYPES DOCS’ column to jump to Qualtrics' support pages on how to set up the related question.)
To find what question type is used for a given question, in the Survey tab, select the question and check the left hand pane:
Sharing Reports visualisations
There are a number of options already mentioned that allow you to make your content available to others.
Share > Manage Public Report
This is the main method of providing access to your report since it can be password protected allows users to see the report online and thus benefit from seeing the latest changes that have been made to the report (eg widgets updated with the latest responses)Share > Schedule email
This option is also useful as it can email copies of the report out at regular intervals, however these copies will be static at a given point in time.Share > Download PDF
This option provides the ability to manually create a pdf of the report for distributionView > Preview Public Report
This opens a new tab to show a preview of what users would see if they were given access via the Manage Public Report option above.
As such it is probably not much different from the Download PDF option, and indeed there are zoom and download pdf options at the top left of the screen. It would also be possible to use your device’s built-in browser save options to print the screen to a pdf file or save it in formats such as html.File > Export to QRF
This option could be used to distribute your content to other Qualtrics users. Once the file is created, these users can then upload it into any existing Reports tab as long as the original surveys - or suitable alternatives - used as sources in the file are available in Qualtrics at the time.Away from page level, there are options to save individual content items.
By selecting the desired content item, the Export as JPEG image or Export as Microsoft Word (.docx) options may then be available to allow you to save a file outside Qualtrics that you can then pass on to others.Lastly, as a sharing option that is not specifically designed for in Qualtrics, you could allow access to a report by collaborating the user on the survey itself by ticking only the ‘View Reports’ option when doing so. How much access this gives the user to both other parts of the shared survey project or Qualtrics is not currently known.
For further detail on sharing options, see https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/reports-module/reports-section/sharing-your-report/.
For some salient reminders re sharing content- regardless of sharing method used - see here.
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