D.3. Sharing a video or Echo collection

D.3. Sharing a video or Echo collection

This workflow covers the steps required for users to share their videos or video collections with others.

This workflow is available to both staff and students.

The video that covers the same steps as the below can be found here

For important notes related to all Group D collection workflows, click here

Notes specific to this workflow

  • To share a collection, you need to add other users to your collection. You can add further users to the collection at any point. For all collections apart from the formal collection above:

    • the standard role for all staff (apart from the collection manager) should be Editor.

    • the standard role for all students should be Reviewer.

  • Note that if you share an individual video with another user this adds the video to their personal Echo library. What they are then allowed to do depends on their role.

    • Note that for students, who have minimal rights over videos that have been shared with them, the actions they are able to take with the video are viewing it, downloading it and removing it from their library.

    • If you thus want to prevent students from downloading content you have shared with them, don’t use the Share option for an individual video. Instead, create a collection, add the video to the collection, then add students to this collection in the role of Reviewer.

  • On the ‘My Echo360 Library’ screen, collections can be seen in both the Library and Collections tabs. Individual videos can only be seen in the Library tab.



1. Go to a Canvas course page

2. Open the ‘My Echo360 Library’ screen off the blue menu to the left


A. Share an individual video with a staff member

4. In the ‘My Echo360 Library’ screen, select the Library tab if it’s not already selected

5. Search for the video you would like to share

6. Select the three dots to the bottom right of the video and select ‘Share’


7. Select the Individual tab if it is not already selected


8. In the ‘Select name’ field type in the name or email address of the staff member then select this staff member when shown

8. Check that the name has been added properly


9. Click the Done button


B. Share an individual video with a student (via a new collection)

Videos should be shared with students via collections (as opposed to directly) so that their access to the video can be tailored. This is likely to be via a new, rather than existing, collection.

To see how to add a student to an existing collection, see Path 4 in this workflow.

4. In the ‘My Echo360 Library’ screen, select the Library tab if it’s not already selected

5. Search for the video you would like to share

6. Select the three dots to the bottom right of the video and select ‘Add to collection’

7a. Select an existing collection, then click the Add button, then click the Done button…

7b. Or if you want to create a new collection, click on ‘Create New Collection’, type in the name for the new collection, then click the ‘Create and Add’ button, then click the Done button)



8. To check that the video has been added to the collection, go the the Collections tab and find the collection. You can change between grid and list views for both collections and individual videos using the view options button


9. Click on the collection to open it, then click to open the Membership section


10. click the +Member button then type in the name of the student you would like to share the collection with. Select their name when shown

12. Set the role for the student to Reviewer then click the Add Member button


13. Check the student has been added successfully in the right role


C. Share a collection with a staff member

4a. In the ‘My Echo360 Library’ screen, select the Collections tab if it’s not already selected, then click on the collection you want to share. You can search for the collection by name…


4b. Or if you want to create a new collection, click on the +Collection button, type in the name for the new collection


5. Click on ‘Membership’ to show the Membership section


6. Click on the +Member button then search for the name or email address of the staff member you want to share the collection with. Select the staff member you want from the list

7. Set the role of the staff member to Editor; if needed other roles can be selected. What the role can do is shown in the middle of the pop up box


8. Click the Add Member button then check on the next screen that the staff member has been added to the collection with the correct role


You can only add one staff member at a time. NIDA’s Echo admins are currently not able to add staff members in bulk to a collection

D. Share a collection with a student via an existing collection

4. In the ‘My Echo360 Library’ screen, select the Collections tab if it’s not already selected, then click on the collection you want to share. You can search for the collection by name…


5. Click on ‘Membership’ to show the Membership section


6. Click on the +Member button then search for the name or email address of the student you want to share the collection with. Select the student you want from the list


7. Set the role of the student to Reviewer. What the role can do is shown in the middle of the pop up box


8. Click the Add Member button then check on the next screen that the staff member has been added to the collection with the correct role

You can only add one student at a time. NIDA’s Echo admins are currently not able to add students in bulk to a collection

This link takes you back to the list of workflow links on the 'Echo360 Introduction' page

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