3. Forecast Project Item input

3. Forecast Project Item input

Note: For Forecast purposes, the project planning will exclude amounts appearing in the lapsed months i.e. Say we are doing a forecast from April to December, the model will exclude any amounts between January to March assuming that they have already been spent and appear as Actual



This is the template which lets you input Forecast at the selected project at detailed line level. You can enter Non-people costs, Casual hours at given pay rates etc


  • As mentioned before, this template lets you enter Casual costs as well as Non-people costs at project level.

  • We will discuss each of these separately starting with Casual Costs

  • You can enter description for the Casual Staff and then click on the drop down box under ‘GL Code’ column which has been marked as ‘A’ below.

  • There, please select ‘Casual Staff’ from the option.

  • Once you select Casual staff as the option, you can then chose Pay Code that is applicable for this staff.

  • Each of the roles have associated pay rates that are taken from HR rates available at the time of snapshot.

  • For demonstration purposes, we will select ‘Administration Coordinator’ like ‘B’ in the below screenshot.


  • After selecting the appropriate pay code, last step requires entering number of hours for the whole year that the Casual staff is expected to work.

  • The template will calculate total costs including on-costs for the casual hours entered

  • Once Casual costs are entered, we can enter the Non-people Costs

  • Entering Non-people costs is easier and similar to entering Casual staff costs although with fewer steps

  • To enter a Non-people Cost line e.g. Stationery, Printing etc, you can select the appropriate item from the drop down list in the ‘GL Code’ column as marked ‘C’ below.

  • In our sample case, we don’t have many accounts to chose from since this is a dummy but in your case, you will have many more options

  • Once you have selected the appropriate cost account, next step is to enter monthly amounts for this cost as we have done in the green highlighted area

  • In case you want to delete a line from the project input, please click on box next to the line marked ‘x’ . As indicted by ‘D’ above

  • Once you have done all the costs for this project, we can finalise the total project costs by going back to the ‘02. Project Summary’ template By clicking on the ‘return to project summary’ link indicated by ‘E’ above

  • On this page, you will see a summary costs of all the project detailed costs you entered so far. Once satisfied, you can ‘Save Change’ by clicking on the button as indicated by ‘F’ below.


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