Upgrade to ASIMUT version 3.3 on 17 July 2023

Upgrade to ASIMUT version 3.3 on 17 July 2023

The following is adapted from ASIMUT Support’s article on what’s new in ASIMUT version 3.3.

This new version is due to be added to NIDA’s ASIMUT system in the period 17 July 11pm to 18 June 2am 2023.


The article has the following sections:

Public interface: New date and time pickers

The date and time pickers for creating bookings in the public interface will be changed.

Typing and selecting behaviour is very different from desktop computers to smartphones. The new version brings different date and time picker options to suit the device you’re using.

On desktop computers and laptops, clicking into either field will open a new, fully keyboard-navigable picker dialogue box. Additionally, you can now simply type date and time and skip the picker dialogue altogether.

On touch devices users can choose between selecting their date and time, either via a new date and time picker designed specifically for touch on mobile devices, or by using the browser keyboard.

Please watch this video to see the new date and time pickers in action:

Public interface: Bug fixes

Location not recognised

Under specific conditions, a location (selected from the location suggestion list for creating an event) was not recognised by the system.

Opening hours not displayed correctly
With a certain combination of global- and location-specific opening hours and closing times, the opening hours were not shown correctly in the location information.


The following Advanced Interface changes are only visible to power users and admins in ASIMUT

Advanced interface: New "Edit person groups" page

The following video demonstrates the new feel of the Edit Person Groups page in the advanced interface:

A summary of the changes to the Edit Person Groups screen is below:

  • The new search and select options allow you to find and bulk edit exactly the person groups you need

  • The counters on top of the person group list will show you how many groups fit your filtering option, how many fit your search input and how many you have currently selected

  • Bulk editing members of groups works the same way as bulk editing events in an arrangement. In addition, you can see the roles of the current group members. If they have different roles in different groups, the list will display this.

  • Adding persons to groups has been improved significantly: The person fly-out (i.e. the suggestion list that comes up when you start typing) is navigable by keyboard.

    • To move up and down the list, use the up and down arrows.

    • To select from the currently highlighted person to the next person you click, hold "Shift" when clicking on the second person

    • To select multiple person throughout the list, hold "Ctrl" while selecting the user

    • To select the person(s) highlighted in the list, hit "Enter"

    • To change the role of one or several users, highlight the users and press "Alt" + "R". Press the keys multiple times to circle through the roles in your system and until the desired role appears..

How to use the new versions

If you want to use the new version of the "Edit person groups" page, you should be able to opt-in under your user settings ('ASIMUT' menu → ‘User settings’).


Clash check by clicking on availability icons

A key functionality in ASIMUT is the clash checking function. It ensures that you do not double book locations and that you are being warned when you are about to double book a person.
Sometimes you need to accept a clash because you cannot resolve it just yet and need to get back to it later, or maybe the clash was created by someone else after you last worked on the event.

In these cases, it is helpful to be able to bring the clash checker up without saving the event - after all, your intention is to clash check, not to save.
This is why you can now bring up the the clash checker by clicking on any of the availability icons, whether this specific resource has clashes (triangle icon) or not (tick icon).


Advanced interface: Bug fixes

Inactive tags field not expanding
Inactive tag fields did not expand according the the tags they hold on the event edit page.

Redundant "Choose a location" dialogue box
When opening the "multiple locations" wizard, but not typing in the locations text field, a dialogue box reminding you to "Choose a location" would pop up unnecessarily.

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