Allocated Parkers
Once an employee has been allocated a car space by People and Culture, they are expected to follow the guidelines below. Failure to comply with the below conditions may result in the parking allocation being revoked.
The car space will be allocated on the condition that the space is used daily or on the days agreed. The car space is not provided for the staff member’s occasional convenience.
The space allocated is to be used by the staff member’s motor vehicle only and not for any other purpose. The space is not to be used as a motor vehicle storage facility at any time.
If an employee is absent from NIDA including on annual leave/sick/carer’s leave, or if staff are working from home, their car space should made available for use through the Parkable app.
All NIDA employees who have been allocated a car space understand that it is subject to NIDA’s operational requirements and will be reviewed regularly; It is understood that the car space may be reallocated to another person to meet operational requirements and NIDA will provide notice in writing as soon as is reasonably practicable.
Bays should only be shared through the Parkable app unless prior approval is given by People and Culture.
Casual Parkers - permanent staff without an allocated space
Casual parkers may request parking through the Parkable app.
Parking is allocated weekly on a Friday and is not guaranteed. Available allocations rely on permanent staff releasing their car spots when not in use.
Operational requirements may dictate that bookings are cancelled at short notice.
Reception will not facilitate casual parking directly and all requests must go through the Parkable app.
Parking allocations for casual parkers is based on an algorithm designed to ensure fairness.
Visitor Parking
Visitor parking is limited at NIDA, and there is no guarantee that visitor parking can be accommodated.
Requests for visitor parking need to be provided to Reception by 12pm, Friday of the week before. Requests received after this time are unlikely to be accommodated.
Parking spaces are limited to the Basement and Northern carparks and do not include the spots outside the Northern carpark or loading zones.
Visitor Parking for Casual Staff
Visitor parking will be allocated with priority given to Executive Office, then the Partnerships & Engagement Team.
All other visitor parking should be made when there is a genuine need for parking, i.e., casual staff with heavy equipment.
Being a long-term casual employee of NIDA does not fulfill the criteria of ‘genuine need