Process Flow Chart
Step 1: Log in to myNIDA using your NIDA e-mail
Step 2: On Your Left-hand side, next to the NIDA logo, you have a Menu which represented by 3 lines
Step 3: In the Menu MyTeam, Click on Recruitment
Step 4- Co-oridnator
In the Recruitment Dropdown option, please click on Job Requisitions to raise a new request
Step 5: In Job Requisition, on your right-hand side, click on Add New to submit a recruitment request to HR for approval.
Step 6: Fill in all mandatory fields in the job requisition details form
Please fill the below mandatory fields in the form & submit it to HR for approval
Job Title (select from a list of Jobs in the dropdown)
Cost Centre
Visibility Date From
Visibility Date To
Number of Openings
Budgeted (Yes/ No) – This refers to whether the position is confirmed as in budget by Manager 2
Employee Type – Permanent PT, FT, Casual
Description (primary responsibilities and task details from the PD)
Hiring Manager 1
Hiring Manager 2
Primary Contact
Contact Phone
Contact E-mail
Job Requirements (skills and capabilities required to perform the role from the PD)
Has a position description been provided? Yes/ No ( This is Mandatory see step 9)
Is this a new or existing position?
Step 7: After filling the Mandatory fields required navigate to the top right hand side and click save
Step 8: Once you have saved the form to submit your Requisition to HR, you have an option to upload supporting documents required for the position. This is where you will upload the position Description (see step 9)
Step 9: After Filling & uploading all the documents and information, submit the Requisition for HR approval
Upload the PD , and any other required documents using the Choose Option
Submit the Requistion to HR
Step 10: Once you submit, the status of the requisition will show as open
Hiring Managers will be able to view applications received against that application once it has been approved by HR and posted to the job board.