This workflow covers the steps required for users to share their video collections with others.
This workflow is available to both staff and students.
The video that covers the same steps as the below can be found here:
[video not yet available]
For important notes related to all Group D collection workflows, click here
[230125 RK: make all screenshots smaller so people can eg print off the workflow as a pdf]
Notes specific to this workflow
To share a collection, you need to add other users to your collection. You can add further users to the collection at any point. For all collections apart from the formal collection above:
the standard role for all staff apart from the collection manager) should be Editor.
the standard role for all students should be Reviewer.
Note that if you share an individual video with another user, this adds the video to their personal Echo library. What they are then allowed to do depends on their role.
Note that for students, who have minimal rights over videos that have been shared with them, the actions they are able to take with the video are viewing it, downloading it and removing it from their library.
If you thus want to prevent students from downloading content you have shared with them, don’t use the Share option for an individual video. Instead, create a collection, add the video to the collection, then add students to this collection in the role of Reviewer.