The video that covers the same steps as the below can be found here
Notes specific to this workflow
(See link above for any important notes related to all Group B workflows)
1. Go to the course for which you want to grade the video Assignment students submitted to using Echo
2. Navigate to the Assignment to be graded, either via the Assignment Index screen or the Module screen. In this example, the Assignment is accessed via the Modules screen. Click on the Assignment title to open the Assignment's main screen
3. Click on the 'SpeedGrader' link to reach the SpeedGrader screen
4. On the SpeedGrader screen, the student's video should be shown in the submission view area to the left
5. Watch the student's submission and provide a suitable grade
7. Either click on the arrows at the top right of the SpeedGrader screen to move on the grade another student, or close the SpeedGrader's tab in your browser to return to the main view of your course page.
You have now finished grading the student's video submission.