Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The following activities are available in the banner area.


  1. Page title
    This area shows the title of the currently selected page. When entering the Results tab for the first time, the top page in the panel is selected and its title is thus shown here.


  2. Settings screen
    The Settings screen is available off the cog wheel icon. It offers options to control
    - theme: dashboard appearance including colour; widget width, border, title and content font size, scale palettes; commenting
    - workflows: trigger email notifications when an event occurs, a time is reached or data is handled


  3. Editing option
    The editing option is available off the pen and paper icon.
    Set up widgets to visualise survey metadata or responses from specific questions; control what information is shown with each widget and what chart or table type is used to illustrate the responses; define what styles should be applied to the widget


  4. Filter option
    The filter option is available off the levers icon.
    This option hides or displays a ribbon under the banner that allows controlling the filters.

    When a page with filters is selected, this option displays the number of filters already applied to that page:

    When a page with filters is selected, this option is greyed out.


  5. Export options
    The download option is available off the down arrow icon.

    Download the dashboard in formats such as Word (docx), PowerPoint (pptx), Excel (xlsx), csv, pdf; or email the dashboard on a desired schedule.
    - numeric data in xlsx downloads will be saved as text so you may need to convert back to a number format in sheet cells.


The following activities are available in the page navigation pane:


1. Pane pinning
The navigation pane can be pinned and unpinned. When unpinned, the pane will disappear allowing more space for the main content area.
To pin and unpin, click on the pin icon
To repin the pane, click on the page title then click the pin icon

2. Page browsing
All pages are shown in the pane as a list.
Pages in this list can be collapsed to provide you with more room.

If you click on a page, any widgets on that page will be shown in the content area and can be browsed by scrolling the content area.
Alternatively the page can be expanded in the pane by clicking the dropdown to the left of the page title.
The expanded page then lists the widgets in order by title.
The icon to the left of the title gives an indication of each widget's chart type.
If the widget hasn’t been given a title, it will display as ‘(Untitled widget)’.

To expand and collapse a page, click on the dropdown arrow to the left of the page title.
If you expand a page, any other already-expanded page will collapse to save space.
To just select a page, click on its title rather than the arrow.

3. Page searching
You can search for widgets by title within each page.
Click on the page you want to search in, then type in part of the widget title in the ‘Search current page’ box.
Any matching widget titles are then displayed as you type, allowing you to then select the desired page.

4. Page addition
The Results pane begins with a single page already created.
Three page types can be created - blank, private and report.

Blank pages are pages that are empty on creation.
In contrast, Report pages allow you to define a template to apply across an entire page including which questions and fields should be included.
Qualtrics will then produce a page populated according to your selections.

For more info on private pages, see ‘Page availability’ below.

5. Page copying
Pages can be copied by selecting the page, then clicking the 3 dots at the right and selecting Duplicate.
The new page appears in the navigation bar under the original with ‘(Copy)’ added at the end of its title
- the cursor placed in the title box allowing you to edit the title if desired; hit Enter to save the new title.
For creating a private copy of the page, see ‘Page availability’ below.

6. Page renaming
Existing pages can be renamed copied by mousing over the page title then clicking the 3 dots at the right and selecting Rename.
Enter the new name in the text box then hit Enter.

  1. Page moving
    Pages can be moved by clicking on the page title then dragging it to its new destination.
    (For steps on how to move widgets within a page, see ‘Content area - Move widgets’ below.)


  2. Page filtering
    Filters can be applied on a per-page basis, allowing focus on viewing a particular aspect or aspects of the responses collected.
    These filters can be saved and given a suitable name when saved.
    When applied, these filters are cumulative and remain in place until removed.

    For example, applying a filter of respondents aged 30-40 and a filter of respondents from Sydney will show responses from 30-40 year old Sydney respondents rather than just Sydney respondents.
    This combination of age and location filters could then be saved under the title ‘Sydney 30-40 year olds’.
    To remove this combined filter, both the age and location filters need to be removed separately.

    To apply and save filters, click on the desired page in the navigation pane, then turn on editing mode in the top banner.
    This will also automatically enable the filter option in the top banner which controls the display of a filter ribbon under the top banner.
    - To apply a new filter on a page with no filters, click on the ‘Add filter’ link to the right of the Filters dropdown.
    (To apply further new filters on a page with existing filters, click the + icon to the right of any filters shown.)
    Once the filter conditions are selected, they are immediately applied to the content area allowing you to adjust your selection if needed.
    - To apply a saved filter to a page, select the filter by name from the Filters dropdown.

    Once a filter or filters are applied, the Filters dropdown in the filter ribbon allows managing these filters.
    Select ‘Manage saved filters' from the dropdown then to…
    - view the details for each filter by clicking the dropdown arrow to the left of the desired filer
    - rename or delete a filter by selecting the 3 dots to the right of the desired filter and selecting either Rename or Delete.

    It seems saved filters can’t be edited: in the Filters dropdown, changes made to a filter applied to a page don’t enable the ‘Save’ option; and an Edit option is not provided in the ‘Manage saved filters’ dialogue.
    However, the following workaround can be used to save an improved filter version.
    - create a temporary page
    - add the desired filter/s to the page and configure as needed
    - select ‘Save as…' from the Filters dropdown to save the filter/s under a new name
    - delete the temporary page and unwanted filter.

    As mentioned above, if no filters are in place for a page and that page is selected from the navigation pane, the filter display option in the banner is greyed out.
    For pages with filters however, this option will provide the ability to change the current filter display status (regardless of whether editing mode is turned on or not)
    - if the filter ribbon is shown, this option will offer to ‘Hide filters’
    - if the filter ribbon is hidden, this option will offer to ‘Show filters’.
    The option selected is then applied across all pages with filters until changed.


    9. Page availability
    Pages can be made public or private. Private pages are only visible to person who created them.

    Private pages are shown in a separate section in the navigation pane, and can be renamed like other pages.
    image-20241121-013640.pngImage Modified

    Private pages can be created by
    - clicking the ‘Private page’ option off the ‘Add’ dropdown at the top of the navigation pane
    - clicking ‘Create a private copy’ off the 3 dot menu to the right of an existing page.

    Private copies can be made of both private and public pages.
    In both instances, select the ‘Create a private copy’ option rather than the ‘Copy’ option off the 3 dot menu for the relevant page.

    See also section ‘Content area - Move widgets’ below.






  1. Content area - Add widgets to TotalXM Reports
    To push a widget, an existing TotalXM Report needs to have been created.
    Once this is created, do not turn on editing mode in Qualtrics.
    Click on the 3 dots to the right of the desired widget and select ‘+Add widget to TotalXM Report’.
    In the dialogue that then displays, select the target TotalXM Report, add an optional message click Confirm.
    To go directly to this TotalXM Report click ‘View report’, else click Done.
    See here for adding the widget once inside the TotalXM Report.




  1. Content area - Filter widgets

Filter options for widgets are available on the widget edit screen and allow you to be more specific about which data your widget should display.
This edit screen can be accessed independently of the status of the edit mode for the dashboard as a whole.

You may also be offered an option to lock certain filters. This allows you to prevent “changes to [the] filter when not in Edit mode”.
In other words, if the filter informational icon is selected for a widget with the Lock filter enabled, options in the filter section are disabled and a lock icon is shown:
image-20241125-035848.pngImage Modified
Compare this with unlocked filters, which provide a dropdown where choices for a given filter are available:
image-20241125-035937.pngImage Modified
The lock option is useful if people with only View access to the Results dashboard should be prevented from changing filter settings.

To add and change filters for a widget, click the 3 dots to the right of the relevant widget then select Edit.
The options available in the left hand bar then may include filter options, depending on the widget’s chart type.
Select the chart type on this page for more information on how to use filter options for a given chart type.



Sharing Results visualisations
Apart from using the Collaborate option to share editing privileges to a survey to allow the user to then view the Results tab, perhaps the easiest way to share the contents of the Results with others are to
- download the Results dashboard
- email the Results dashboard

- export single widgets
- send relevant widgets to a TotalXM Report.


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