Filter options for widgets are available on the widget edit screen and allow you to be more specific about which data your widget should display.
This edit screen can be accessed independently of the status of the edit mode for the dashboard as a whole.
You may also be offered an option to lock certain filters. This allows you to prevent “changes to [the] filter when not in Edit mode”.
In other words, if the filter informational icon is selected for a widget with the Lock filter enabled, options in the filter section are disabled and a lock icon is shown:
Compare this with unlocked filters, which provide a dropdown where choices for a given filter are available:
The lock option is useful if people with only View access to the Results dashboard should be prevented from changing filter settings.
To add and change filters for a widget, click the 3 dots to the right of the relevant widget then select Edit.
The options available in the left hand bar then may include filter options, depending on the widget’s chart type.
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