Please follow the steps below to create a link that will enable external clients/contacts to upload files to your personal OneDrive.
This can be done only through the OneDrive web application on any browser
The space that is available on your personal OneDrive is 200GB
Open any browser and login to your Microsoft Office account and navigate to your OneDrive page.
If you require the files to be uploaded to a department Teams folder, navigate to the respective Teams group on SharePoint and follow the same steps.
Click New
Enter the name of the folder
Folder will be created in your OneDrive
Click on three dots to open the options and select request files
You can also do that by selecting the folder and click on ‘Request Files' on the top menu pane
Enter a reference name for the files that you are requesting (ex: event, course, etc.) and click on ‘Next’
A link will be created, which can be either copied or can be sent in an email outside of NIDA and click on ‘Done’
A success message is displayed
When the link that you shared is opened up, the browser opens a page as shown below
Clicking on ‘Select files’ will enable file upload. Attaching files and entering full name of the person uploading the files will enable them to upload the files
Success message is displayed once the files are uploaded
You will receive an email notification from SharePoint about any file uploads that are done
Uploaded files are renamed with first and last name of the person who uploaded the file in the folder that you earlier created
Once you have received all the files that you are expecting you can delete the link for file uploads or an expiration date for the link can be set.
Click on Private
Click on three dots (You can also copy the link that is used for file upload)
You can delete the link or set an expiration date for the link after which files can’t be uploaded
The folder can be shared if it is in your Personal OneDrive location. When it is in a Teams group or a department SharePoint, everyone who has access can view the folder and files
You can share the folder to people within NIDA using the ‘Share’ button in the top panel or clicking on the three dots and selecting ‘Share’
You can enter e-mail of the staff or copy the link to be shared as a message