TotalXM Reports is the third dashboard tool available for evaluation Oct-Dec 2024.

Their focus is to aid “gathering and presenting insights across different product areas. [You] can build reports using your most meaningful data and dashboard widgets to present a cohesive story. These reports are designed to be shared with executive leaders and other shareholders interested in CX and EX drivers and outcomes”.1

Widgets you create in the Results tabs from different surveys can be pushed into TotalXM Reports (or ‘TXRs’ from now on).
(You cannot push widgets from Reports tabs.)

This ability to collect widgets from multiple surveys is perhaps TXRs' greatest benefit (an ability also provided by survey Reports tabs).

However, TXRs are essentially just collation tools since they provide minimal formatting options and rely on content being edited in the surveys from which the content comes.

The following sections on this page provide a summary of more details information available on Qualtrics' support pages, for example:

TXR overview
TXR sections








Screen layout

Add a widget

Add a section

Preview button

Project selection dropdown

Sharing TXRs

Create a TXR

Update a widget

Copy a section

Share link

Finding and moving TXRs

View asset details

Collapse a section

New section link

Remove an asset from the asset pane

Move a section

Delete a section

Add a widget to a section

Add an image to a section

Remove an asset from the content area

Replace an asset


  1. Screen layout
    A TXR screen is organised around sections, each containing widgets:


    Parts of this screen are:

Descriptions of the operation of these parts are provided in separate sections below.


2. Create a TXR

Before you can send widgets to a TXR, you need to create the TXR first.
To create a TXR, navigate to the Catalogue screen.
In the ‘Projects from scratch’ section, click on ‘TotalXM Report' then ‘Get started’.
image-20241126-232711.png image-20241126-232936.png
Provide a name for the TXR, select a folder for it, then click 'Create project’.
Qualtrics will then place you on the landing screen for your new TXR


  1. Finding and moving TXRs
    If you have multiple project folders and are unsure in what folder your TXRs are, you can use the Project screen to locate these.
    Since Qualtrics doesn’t provide folder details in its project details list, you can use three methods to find these.

    Filter option
    To find all your TXRs, click on your root ‘Projects and Programs' folder and use the project type dropdown to filter on ‘TotalXM Report’.
    If you select a folder other than the root, Qualtrics will only provide you with TXRs in that folder or its subfolders.


Search option
Alternatively, as for other project types, you can also search for TXRs using the Search option.
Click on your root ‘Projects and Programs' folder and enter part of your TXR filename.
This can be used in combination with the Filter option if you have a large number of TXRs.
If you select a folder other than the root, Qualtrics will only provide you with TXRs in that folder or its subfolders.

Folder option
This is the least efficient method but allows you to find a TXR’s exact current location.
Select ‘TotalXM Report’ in the project type dropdown then click on each of your folders until the desired TXR appears.

Moving TXRs
To move your TXRs into a preferred folder, use any of the above options to find the TXR you want to move.
Then click on the 3 dots to the right of this TXR, click ‘Move to…’ then select the destination folder.
Alternatively, you can just drag the TXR to its new folder.



The asset pane holds copies of any content added to the TXR.
Content types currently appear to be limited to widgets and images.

Changed made to a TXR are saved automatically.
There is no undo option provided in TXRs, however since most content in the report is likely to be static copies of widgets brought in from other sources, these copies can be replaced.


All assets in the pane are organised by date.
A dropdown is created for each day that assets are added.

  1. Add a widget

Widgets can be pushed from multiple survey projects to a TXR.

To push a widget, go to the source survey and navigate to the Results tab.
Use the page navigation pane if necessary to select the page the widget is found in.
Then click the 3 dots to the top right of the widget and select ‘+ Add widget to TotalXM Report’
In the dialogue box that then appears, select the TXR you want to send the widget, optionally enter a note then click Confirm
Check you receive confirmation that the widget is being sent
After the widget has been added, an email confirmation is sent


Clicking on the ‘View report’ link in either the email or in the confirmation dialogue box takes you directly to the target TXR.
The widget then appears in the asset pane in a dropdown titled after the date the widget was sent.


  1. Update a widget
    If you change the widget in the source survey it will not automatically update in the linked TXR.
    You will need to push a new version of the widget.

    There is no option built in to Qualtrics to search the widgets currently listed in the pane.
    As a workaround, you can expand all the date dropdowns and use Ctrl-F (or Command-F on Macs) to search the text on the screen e.g. for part of the widget’s question title, the title of the survey it came from, or any note added when pushing the widget.

  2. View asset details
    Information on each asset is provided in the asset pane in two locations - underneath the asset and by mousing over the asset’s 'i' icon.
    This icon will appear above the asset, and to the right of any title the asset has been given.

    The amount of detail provided depends on the type of asset.

    Information is only available via the i icon and lists the ID of the user who uploaded the image, and the date and time the image was uploaded

    Information is available via the i icon and below the widget and via the i icon.
    Information provided…
    - below the widget is: the name of the source survey; the page on the Results screen for this survey that the widget was located on at the time it was pushed; and any note that was added when the widget was pushed
    - via the i icon is: the source widget title; the source dashboard ID; the source survey title; the source Results tab page name; the date and time the widget was pushed; and the ID of the uploading user.

  3. Remove an asset from the asset pane
    Assets can be removed from the panel.
    If they are removed from the panel, they are also removed from anywhere they are used in the TXR.

    To remove an asset, click on the 3 dots to the top right of the asset in the asset panel, select ‘Remove from asset panel’, and confirm that you are happy for it to be removed from all areas of the TXR.




  1. Add a section
    When a TXR is first created, an initial ‘Executive summary’ section is created in the content area.
    This summary section only provides areas for text to be entered,

    Further sections can be added by clicking the ‘Add section’ link underneath any sections that already exist.
    On clicking this link, you are presented with a dialogue box showing a range of layout templates to choose from.

    Select a category of template from the left hand pane, then scroll down within the main area of the box to see what templates are available.
    (Or alternatively, click on ‘the ‘Text only’ category and keep scrolling to move through all categories in sequence.)
    - Notice that one template in the 'Visualisation only’ category allows for two widgets to be displayed side by side.
    - If you selected a template that included one or more text areas, then when you return to the main display and click in these text areas, you will be presented with some basic text editing tools.
    There are no typeface or font size options in these tools, so if you want a particular combination of font sizes, you will need to select the template that most closely provides what you’re after.
    Select a template by clicking on it. This will enable the Save button for you to click at the bottom right of the box.
    The section will then be added to the content area.

    See ‘Add a widget to a section’ and ‘Add an image to a section’ below for steps to populate the new section with content.


2. Copy a section
With the exception of the ‘Executive summary’ section, sections can be copied along with any content within them.

To copy a section, click on the 3 dots to the top right of the source section and select ‘Duplicate section’.
Then click to confirm that the copy will be placed under the source section.

  1. Collapse a section
    Sections can be collapsed to provide more room in the content area.
    Sections must be collapsed one at a time.

    To collapse a section, click on the dropdown arrow at the top left of the section.

  2. Move a section
    With the exception of the ‘Executive summary’ section, sections can be moved above or below each other in the content area.

    To move a section, click on the 3 dots to the top right of the source section and select ‘Reorder section’.
    Then select the new location for the section.
    - If you select Before or After, you can then specify which section should be used as reference point for the new position
    Then click Move to complete.


5. Delete a section
With the exception of the ‘Executive summary’ section, sections can be deleted along with any content within them.
The ‘Executive summary’ can be collapsed so that it is less visible.

To delete a section, click on the 3 dots to the top right of the source section and select ‘Delete section’.
Then click to confirm that the section will be deleted irreversibly.

  1. Add a widget to a section
    With the exception of the ‘Executive summary’ section, sections can have widgets added to them.

    A section normally only contains either a single widget or a single image.
    (See ‘Add a section’ above for information on selecting a template that allows multiple widgets.)

    To add a widget to a section, navigate to the desired section and click on ‘Add an asset’.
    In the asset panel, find the widget to add and click on it.
    Then click on the ‘Apply asset’ button at the bottom of the panel.
    The widget is then added to the section.

  2. Add an image to a section
    With the exception of the ‘Executive summary’ section, sections can have images added to them.

    To add a new image to a section, navigate to the desired section and click on ‘Upload an image’.
    Click ‘Choose file’ to navigate in your device’s storage to the image file, select it, then select the ‘Upload’ button back in Qualtrics.
    The image is then added to the section.

    To add an existing image to a section, navigate to the desired section and click on ‘Add an asset’.
    In the asset panel, find the image to add and click on it.
    Then click on the ‘Apply asset’ button at the bottom of the panel.

    The image is then added to the section.
    Images uploaded to a section area area also added to the asset pane.


8. Remove an asset from the content area
An existing widget in a section can be removed.
The section is not deleted if this asset is the only asset in the section.

Note that it’s not possible to remove an image in a section.
To remove the image you will need to remove the entire section.

To remove a widget from a section, click the 3 dots to the top right of the widget and select ‘Remove image asset’.
Then confirm removal in the dialogue box that then appears.

9. Replace an asset
An existing widget or image in a section can be replaced.

To replace an asset, click the 3 dots to the top right of the widget and select ‘Replace asset’.
The section is then greyed out, indicating that Qualtrics is waiting for you to select the replacement asset from the asset pane.
Once selected, click the ‘Apply asset’ at the bottom of the pane.

As noted above, images can’t be removed from a section, so if you select an image you will need to delete the section if you want to remove it later.



The top banner area contains 4 elements: the TXR title, a Preview button, and Share and New section links.


  1. Preview button

Clicking the Preview button allows you to check how your TXR will appear to others.
The preview opens in a new browser tab.

  1. Share link
    The Share link allows you to share your TXR with others.
    After clicking on this link, toggle sharing on, optionally enter a password then click the ‘Copy link’ button.

    Once you share your report, anyone can access it and look at its data via the shared link. You should not include data in your report unless you are comfortable with it being public. For more protection, add a password to your report.

    If you choose to enter a password, before clicking the ‘Copy link’ button

As noted in the Qualtrics documentation, “[once] you share your report, anyone can access it and look at its data via the shared link. You should not include data in your report unless you are comfortable with it being public. For more protection, add a password to your report.”1

After clicking the ‘Confirm' or ‘Copy link' buttons, Qualtrics will then place the share link in the clipboard in a format similar to
This can then be pasted (using Ctrl-V for PCs, or Command-V for Macs) where needed to allow you to provide access.

You can make a TXR inaccessible by going back into the Share link and clicking the ‘Link sharing’ toggle off.
You can change or remove a TXR’s password by going back into the Share link, clicking ‘Reset password’ then the 'Copy link’ button.

3. New section link

The ‘New section’ link adds a new section to the bottom of the TXR,




The project selection dropdown is available at the top left of the TXR screen and allows you to jump to any other project (e.g. survey or TXR Report).
Qualtrics does not open a new tab for this jump so you will need to use the browser back button if you want to return to your TXR report.



Sharing TXRs
See the topic ‘Share link' for steps on sharing TXRs.

Note the precautions listed here re publicly sharing information via dashboards.

Go to top
Go to Introduction
Go to Guide 1: Results tabs
Go to Guide 2: Reports tabs

1. TotalXM Reports