Sharing Files - Externals

Sharing Files - Externals

Files and folders in your personal OneDrive can be shared to externals as shown in the steps below.


  • Create a file/folder, in your personal OneDrive, that you would like to share externally


  • By clicking options, select Share


  • Click on the highlighted section to change it


  • You can select the options from 1-4 but in this case you want to select option 1 and making sure there is a small tick on the selected group. Here you can also set other options like view and edit permissions, expiration date for the link, setting a password for secure access and disabling download. Lastly, click ‘Apply’

  • Once the settings have been applied, you can enter one or multiple email addresses of the recipients and send it as an email. Alternatively, you can copy the link by clicking ‘Copy’ and share it in a message


  • An email will be sent to the external as shown below and they can access with the permissions that you have earlier set


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