C.3. Finding a video in an Echo class

C.3. Finding a video in an Echo class

This workflow covers the steps required for a user to find any Echo classes attached to a course in Canvas. This will then allow the user to see the names of any videos in those classes so these can then be linked to from Canvas if needed.

This workflow is available to both staff and students.

The video that covers the same steps as the below can be found here

For important notes related to all Group C workflows, click here

Notes specific to this workflow

  • Echo classes are the lowest and most specific level in Echo’s course-section-class hierarchy

  • Scheduled class recordings (and livestreamed video if recorded) will be saved in a class in Echo.

    • This class will belong to an Echo section that is linked to a relevant course in Canvas

    • The scheduled and livestream recordings will also be added as videos to the Echo library of a given staff member, such as a course coordinator. This staff member can be chosen as part of scheduling the recording

  • Methods of linking from a video in an Echo class to Canvas are awkward and are likely to break when the Canvas course is rolled over for the next offering, so the easiest option to link to a scheduled recording is…

    • for the person who received the recording in their Echo library to create a link in Canvas, or

    • to find the name of the recording and ask a NIDA Echo admin to share this recording with others so they can do the linking, or

    • to ask the admin to do the linking for them

  • This workflow thus simply shows you how to see a list of classes attached to your Canvas course so you know what name the recording has in order to advise a NIDA Echo admin, should this be needed

  • For how to find a details for a Canvas course to a specific Echo section, see workflow D.5. Finding out linked Canvas course details

  • For the diagram of the course-section-class hierarchy, click this link



1.Go to the Canvas course for which you wish to see the Echo classes


2. click on the link to the ‘Echo360 Links’ screen. (If this is not shown then select to show it in the blue course menu by going to the course’s Settings screen, then selecting to enable the ‘Echo360 Links’ option in the Navigation tab)


3. Select the 'Section home' option. (The term, course and section settings should already be selected for you. If this is not the case, also select the right settings in these fields for the Canvas course you are currently in

4. Click the Connect button. You are then shown a list of all the Echo classes linked to the Canvas course. An example class - including its name - is shown below

5. If you later wish to link to an individual class (or even choose to see the classes for a different course) from the ‘Echo360 Links’ screen, click the Reset LMS Link button at the top of the screen


This link takes you back to the list of workflow links on the 'Echo360 Introduction' page

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