E.1. Deleting content from a personal Echo library
This workflow covers the steps required for a user to delete Echo content from their personal Echo library.
This workflow is available to both staff and students.
The video that covers the same steps as the below can be found here
For important notes related to all Group E workflows, click here
Notes specific to this workflow
Content in a user’s personal Echo library can be deleted by the user as desired
A video owned by one user that has been shared with a second user will be shown in the second user’s personal Echo library as a link to that video. The second user can delete this link in their personal library but this deletes just the link not the source file.
To find the owner of any given video, look for the owner’s name when details for the video are shown. On the ‘My Echo360 Library’ screen in any Canvas course, the owner of a video can be seen in the Media section under the Library tab
under the video when in Grid View
in the Owner column when in List View
If you delete a video in your personal library that has been added to a collection, it's also removed from that collection. This may affect others if you have shared this collection with them
If you no longer want a video but it is still needed, you can give ownership of the video to someone else
1. Go to a Canvas course page
2. Open the ‘My Echo360 Library’ screen off the blue menu to the left
3. In the ‘My Echo360 Library’ screen, select the Library tab if it’s not already selected
4. Search for the video you would like to delete
5. Select the three dots to the bottom right of the video and select ‘More Actions’
6. From the More Actions section, select ‘Delete’
7. Read the warning and if ok, click the Delete button
This link takes you back to the list of workflow links on the 'Echo360 Introduction' page