6a. Employee On-Boarding Process - Permanent

6a. Employee On-Boarding Process - Permanent

Please follow this Work Instruction

Once the Candidate accepts the Offer during the Offer & Contract Process an On-boarding checklist is created automatically for the employee.

The Employee( and other users) will access the system will review the checklist items.

Checklists are accessed via the bell icon in the top-right corner of the screen.

Step 1: Click on the Bell Icon – This page shows you My to do items , My notifications, My Checklists

Step 2: In this screen, the user can access the Onboarding checklist by selecting my checklist, then clicking “Open Checklist”

The checklist will open on the left of the screen with all task categories listed. These categories can be opened to view tasks that must be completed. Task categories include:


Task Category


To be Completed by


An introductory message welcoming the employee to NIDA


Employee To-Dos

General paperwork required of all new employees



Benefits and facilities-specific information about working at NIDA


IT Induction

IT Security training


Payroll Tasks

Payroll-related tasks


Manager Tasks

Manager tasks, including system access requests and work schedule setup


Facilities Tasks

Facilities-related tasks


Tasks are to be completed by the relevant user by left clicking on them. This will open the task on the main area of the screen. Complete the relevant information, then submit the information once complete. The system will advise if tasks are correctly completed. This will be visible within the checklist.

The checklist can be minimized by clicking the |<- symbol. The checklist overlay can be closed by clicking “Exit Checklist” at the bottom of the screen.

Screenshots of all tasks


Employee Tasks:

Welcome (Read the information, then click Mark as Complete)

Employee To-Dos:

Headshot upload

Personal Information Update

Banking Details Update (click [+ Add] to advise new information)

Tax File Number Declaration (fill in the form within the system, then click Submit Form)

Superannuation form (fill in the form within the system, then click Submit Form)

Fair Work Information Statement (click the link to view externally)

Education Verification Consent Form (fill in fields within the system, then click Submit)

Right to Work Documents (click Upload Document to add relevant Right to Work Documents to the system, then click Submit once complete)

Confidentiality Agreement (read then mark as complete)

Child Protection Declaration (complete form within the system, then submit after signing the form)


Collect Staff Card from Reception (complete once received)

Building Tour (request a building tour)

Workplace Health & Safety Training

Policies & Procedures


Library Information Guide

EAP Awareness (Mark as complete once read)

IT Security Awareness Training (view the external link, complete the training, then mark as complete)


Manager tasks:

MyNIDA Security Profile Update (upon selecting the task, a pop-up will immediately appear. Enter the name of the employee for which you are completing the onboarding checklist. This is shown before opening the checklist items.)

Select the Security Profile the employee is required to perform tasks within the MyNIDA system, then click Submit to commence the workflow)


Manager IT Checklist Form (upon selecting the task, a pop-up will immediately appear. Enter the name of the employee for which you are completing the onboarding checklist. This is shown before opening the checklist items.)

Fill in fields on the form as required, then click submit to send the workflow to IT for processing.

Work Pattern Update Form (Fill in information relating to the employee’s work pattern, advising start/ finish times, lunch breaks, and notes. For Full-Time employees, please write “Full Time” in notes and nothing further. Click Submit once complete)

IT Tasks

Review Assets (upon selecting the task, a pop-up will immediately appear. Enter the name of the employee for which you are completing the onboarding checklist. This is shown before opening the checklist items.)

Select the assets to be assigned to the employee, then select Submit. NOTE: This process uses the Issue Assets HR Action, which is used for asset information stored within MyNIDA. As NIDA are not using this, I don’t believe this is appropriate. IT to confirm how they wish to manage this information.

Review Submitted Manager Checklist Form (click View Open to see a list of open form items. This form will advise the required IT/ facilities permissions for the new employee’s account/ card. Click Mark as Complete once complete.)

Payroll Tasks:

Finalize TFN Declaration (view the TFN Declaration form for the checklist employee – you will need to locate this form from a list. We could improve this view by displaying newest TFN Declaration forms first i.e., sort by created date. Review the information in the form and ensure that this is correct in the payroll system. Complete missing information on the form by typing into the boxes, click Save on the Form, then click Mark as Complete on the Checklist Item.



Finalize Superannuation Form (view the Form for the checklist employee – you will need to locate this form from a list. We could improve this view by displaying newest Forms first i.e. sort by Created Date. Review the information in the form and ensure that this is correct in the payroll system. Complete missing information on the form by typing into the boxes, click Save on the Form, then click Mark as Complete on the Checklist Item.


Update STP Tax Category (upon selecting the task, a pop-up will immediately appear. Enter the name of the employee for which you are completing the onboarding checklist. This is shown before opening the checklist items.) Payroll profile cannot complete this task as they do not have access to edit this custom field for employees. This screenshot must be retaken once this access is updated

Facilities Tasks:

  • Prepare Staff ID Card (view the checklist employee’s uploaded document – you will need to locate this from a list. We could improve this view by filtering Facility’s access to “Headshot only” and by displaying newest Forms first i.e., sort by Created Date, and by removing columns that aren’t required to simplify the display.

  • Click Download File on the appropriate document. Use this to create the employee’s staff card, then mark task as complete.


Review Submitted Manager Checklist Form (click View Open to see a list of open form items. This form will advise the required IT/ facilities permissions for the new employee’s account/ card. Action the appropriate items from this form, then click Mark as Complete once complete.)

This task is currently not working correctly despite being tested during UAT – Facilities are unable to view any submitted forms. To be reviewed

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